Episode 81

June 01, 2024


Episode 81: Chris Pratt's Animated IP Dynasty (with Austin Webster)

Episode 81: Chris Pratt's Animated IP Dynasty (with Austin Webster)
Odd Trilogies
Episode 81: Chris Pratt's Animated IP Dynasty (with Austin Webster)

Jun 01 2024 | 02:02:32


Show Notes

Who is the king of modern animation—the man who has brought LEGO, Mario, and now GARFIELD to lucrative cinematic life?

If you guessed Chris Pratt—dammit, you'd be correct! Logan and Andy uncover a truly odd Hollywood phenomenon in CHRIS PRATT'S ANIMATED IP DYNASTY. With help from their good friend (and local LEGO Lord) Austin Webster, the trio analyze Chris Pratt's contributions to 2014's The LEGO Movie, 2023's The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and 2024's The Garfield Movie. How do Pratt's performances benefit each film? Was he appropriately cast to begin with? Is there any hope for the episode to stay on track amidst discussions of LEGO, animation, and terrible fan-castings? Find out on this chaotic episode of ODD TRILOGIES!


Intro music: “Fanfare for Space” by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3736-fanfare-for-space

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:19] Logan: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Odd Trilogies with Logan and Andy. I'm Logan Sowash [00:00:23] Andy: And I'm Andy Carr! [00:00:24] Logan: And on Odd Trilogies, we take a trio of films, whether tied by cast and crew, thematic elements, or even numerical order. And we usually discuss the good, the bad, and the weird surrounding each one. And today is a very special episode. We just did our Serkis Planet of the Apes trilogy, and we thought, you know, that wasn't serious enough, that wasn't as profound enough as a trilogy, even though those films are very dark, very serious. Yeah, have some beautiful moments in terms of, you know, blockbuster energy Andy: And just too typical. Logan: Yeah, it's normal shit. We really wanted to do something that just, you know, screams “maverick,” screams just out the gate, something different. And so we decided that to really just change up the game for us and really, in Odd Trilogies fashion, Andy decided to create his own version of a trilogy that I, you know, once I heard it, it was momentous. [00:01:21] Andy: Well, in terms of. In terms of our kind of self-curated trilogies, it's probably one of our most tenuous yet. And I apologize in advance for that. But, yeah, I had this idea a little while ago, basically, when I heard that the most recent movie in this trilogy was announced, I thought, oh, that would be an interesting kind of examination of one single actor, one single performers kind of cornering the market of a certain area of the film industry. And so today we are talking about one Chris Pratt, whom I'm sure you know, either from Parks and Rec, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Tomorrow War, his number one hit. But, yeah, I mean, he's all over the place. He's the goofy, lovable, macho protagonist. Not at all controversial, is not involved with any organizations that people don't like. [00:02:26] Logan: Not also just a Schwarzenegger binary. [00:02:29] Andy: Right, right. But there is one. [00:02:39] Logan: Just trying to process that. [00:02:41] Andy: There is one particular quirk about Chris Pratt's career that I find fascinating, and that is studios, for some reason, interest in him as a leading man in IP-driven animated films. [00:02:59] Logan: Yes. [00:02:59] Andy: So today we are talking about Chris Pratt's animated IP dynasty. We're talking about The LEGO Movie from 2014. We're talking about The Super Mario Bros. Movie from 2023, and we're talking about The Garfield Movie from this year (2024). [00:03:18] Logan: Yes. [00:03:18] Andy: Three iconic properties with big mainstream animated films all starring Chris Pratt. And we're going to figure out why. [00:03:30] Logan: Yeah, we really. I think last year, I mean, I think every year we have moments where we go, we're not going to pick trilogies just because of a new release. We'll do that sometimes. [00:03:39] Andy: Yeah. [00:03:39] Logan: But not all the time. And I have to say, I think this is the one that most people wouldn't have guessed in terms of new releases. [00:03:45] Andy: Yeah, we were gonna fucking talk about. Yeah, yeah. Garfield. Of course. Garfield, of course. Yes. And we're very blessed that we have an extra voice in the ring today. We are joined by a very special guest, Mister Austin Webster. Hello, Austin. [00:04:04] Austin: Hello. [00:04:05] Andy: It's good to have you with us. Austin has actually recorded an episode with us before. Unfortunately, it never saw the light of day due to technical issues. [00:04:16] Logan: The Oonly Odd Trilogies prequel mainline episode, the only one we've ever done where literally the technical difficulties were so egregious in a way that we couldn't comprehend. Oh, my God. [00:04:27] Andy: Yeah. [00:04:28] Logan: There's literally a folder on my fucking computer that it just says lost episodes, and it just has Monkeybone sadly sitting in that folder. [00:04:37] Austin: At some point, we gotta bring monkey bone back. [00:04:39] Logan: We do. [00:04:39] Austin: Yeah. [00:04:39] Andy: We'll have to do a redux. Monkeybone: Redux. [00:04:42] Logan: We had a lot of fun conversation that weren't just 911 joke based. [00:04:46] Andy: Yeah. [00:04:49] Austin: Honestly, that it could be a Brendan Fraser animal-related trilogy. [00:04:55] Andy: Yeah. [00:04:55] Austin: The Whale. Monkeybone. And you have Furry Vengeance. [00:04:59] Andy: Furry vengeance. Yeah. [00:05:00] Logan: I love how the one that doesn't tie in the most to that is the whale. You didn't hesitate to say, oh, by the way, the whale. That makes most people laugh. [00:05:12] Austin: I mean, it's in the title. [00:05:13] Logan: Yes. [00:05:14] Andy: Yeah. Austin, since this is formally your introduction on the podcast, tell us a little bit about yourself, what you do and all that. [00:05:22] Austin: Yeah. So I work in the film industry, which means I know everything and all my opinions are factual, actually. [00:05:28] Andy: Correct. Yeah. [00:05:29] Austin: So I actually know that Chris Pratt saw a producer run over a small child on Hollywood Boulevard, and that's why he keeps getting these roles. [00:05:37] Andy: Okay. [00:05:38] Austin: But, no, my. [00:05:40] Andy: That was a good episode, everybody. [00:05:41] Austin: Yeah. [00:05:42] Logan: Fucking ten minutes. Fucking knew this was gonna happen. [00:05:47] Austin: But no, what I do for a living is I'm a focus puller. I'm a first assistant camera on set, which is basically the position that runs the camera department. So I keep things in focus. I assist the director of photography and the camera operators, and I've worked in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and now I'm based here in Indianapolis, working across the midwest. And I do a lot of commercial corporate work. Probably the most notable work I do is for All Elite Wrestling (AEW) on TBS and TNT. So, yeah, I work in films. So it honestly has soured a bit of my opinions on films, made you a little bit of a cynic as I want to. [00:06:23] Andy: Yeah. [00:06:23] Austin: You know, when they announce that there's a Garfield movie – when they announced that there's a Garfield movie starring Chris Pratt. I know that I need to take work off so that I can go and be. [00:06:36] Andy: That's a holiday, but, yeah. [00:06:39] Austin: Garfield movie starring Chris Pratt. [00:06:41] Logan: Just animation for Memorial Day weekend. [00:06:44] Austin: Exactly, exactly. [00:06:47] Logan: Yeah. I mean, the thing about Chris Pratt that's also fascinating about these three films is that prior to The LEGO Movie, he has two animated credits, and that's it. Yes, those two animated credits. In case no one knows out there–because I didn't fucking know until I looked it up–before The LEGO Movie. Because the year, The LEGO Movie comes out as 2014, which is basically the year of Pratt in terms of popularity. [00:07:13] Andy: Right. [00:07:14] Logan: Because while he was popular in Parks and Rec, very much so is Andy Dwyer. He's phenomenal. [00:07:17] Andy: He was the comic relief. [00:07:19] Logan: He's greatest ball. [00:07:20] Andy: Yeah. [00:07:20] Logan: Lovable himbo in every way, shape and form in that show. 2014 is the year of The LEGO Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy. [00:07:26] Andy: Yep. [00:07:27] Austin: Yep. [00:07:27] Logan: So it's like one of the big animated hits for Warner Brothers and then one of the best Marvel films to come out, especially in those early phases. And then before that, though, most people would probably know him from, I believe he was on Everwood, which was a late nineties, early two thousands show. And I think a lot of people, in terms of a comedic sense, also probably knew him from The OC, which he has an iconic, quote unquote iconic scene to the OC where it's like he basically plays a guitar naked. He's butt ass naked. And he played. He's like a hippie roomate of one of the characters these long three episodes. [00:08:00] Andy: Okay. [00:08:00] Logan: But before The LEGO Movie, the two things that he did that was animated. He did the Batman, the WB series. He did an episode of that. [00:08:09] Andy: Oh, just a one off roll. [00:08:11] Logan: Just a one off. And then he's in two to three episodes of Ben Ten Ultimate Alien. And I found a clip of his performance in ultimate alien and is the most serious prat I think I've. I've seen, at least in an animated sense. Like he is playing it straight faced Ben Ten show. And it kind of looks. It doesn't look like Pratt, but it's like. That does look like a Chris Pratt voiced character, the way they do that. But yeah, like Chris Pratt as an actor is. It's hilarious to say because a lot of his filmography very recently seems pretty much what do you expect from someone who's like I'm going to curate my image. I'm going to curate my filmography. I'm going to be more of a producer on my stuff. And the last few years have kind of felt like that's exactly what the goal is with certain things, especially with. [00:09:00] Andy: He's in his Dwayne Johnson era. [00:09:02] Logan: Yes. [00:09:03] Andy: Yeah. [00:09:03] Austin: He's kind of like, I would like him more to like a Will Smith type. [00:09:09] Andy: Sure. [00:09:09] Austin: Of like, he doesn't really take on almost any roles that are going to challenge him creatively or as a performer. [00:09:17] Andy: Or challenge his image, like, or challenge his public perception. [00:09:21] Austin: People are going to show up also like Dwayne Johnson, but it's also, you know, very much like Will Smith, who also started doing a lot of voice roles after he gained a lot of popularity. Different route, of course. And, you know, Will Smith's done a lot of other roles that have, like, you know, challenged him creatively. And as a performer, I mean, he's won oscars for his performances. He has a very manufactured image, you know, because of other, you know, controversies and stuff that have surrounded him in his career. But he is a very manufactured, very, very, like, manicured, very careful with what he takes on what he does in a safe way, but also because he doesn't have to, because people will show up for it no matter what it is. [00:10:08] Andy: He is one of those few mega names that we have that will just put butts in seats just because Chris Pratt's in it. [00:10:16] Logan: And also, strangely enough, in terms of the Chris's that are in the MCU, he is strangely the one I never expected to be. Out of all the Chris's that got popular through the MCU, he's the one that takes the safest route, I think. [00:10:29] Andy: Out of all three, in terms of. [00:10:30] Logan: His choices, like Hemsworth, Evans and Pratt. [00:10:34] Andy: Oh, you mean like the roles he takes and stuff? [00:10:37] Logan: Yeah, right now, because, like, we literally are. Just for context, we are recording this after seeing Furiosa. [00:10:43] Andy: Yeah. [00:10:44] Logan: And I never would have guessed out of all the Chris's out of the MCU that Thor would be the one. Be like, I will play villains. Fuck it. [00:10:53] Andy: I'll do a hammy, over the top villain. [00:10:55] Logan: Especially with, like, again, Pratt before The LEGO Movie. Even like, kind of in the same parks and rec. Like, he's in a few films. Like the one. Actually, the first time I ever saw Chris Pratt was in Wanted. The James McAvoy film. He is James McAvoy's roommate that sleeps with McAvoy's girlfriend. [00:11:14] Andy: Yeah. [00:11:14] Logan: Like, the first shot. The first shot and wanted is Chris Pratt's bare ass. That's like, wow. A lot of people probably were introduced to him through that but didn't realize it was him right then. He did, like, he did a film with Channing Tatum before between LEGO movie and that film called Ten Years, which is like reunion film. [00:11:31] Andy: Yeah. [00:11:31] Logan: He plays like a. He kind of plays like a douche, like a shitty guy. That's like, he's not a mean. He's not a mean person. He's just clearly, like, in his. I used to be. Be something in high school era. Well, and then, like, ultimately the film that kind of technically propelled him, but really it was. This film is really. It was really The LEGO Movie that really propelled him initially. But, like, he was also in Zero Dark Thirty. [00:11:53] Andy: Yeah. [00:11:54] Logan: Which was a big film. And, like, he's pleased because he's part of SEAL Team Six and that. Of that version of that. [00:12:00] Andy: Yeah. I mean, that was a team. [00:12:01] Austin: I probably being in the trailer. This is a very weird. I never saw the movie, but the movie Delivery Man with Vince Vaughn, where he was a sperm donor. Chris Pratt is featured in a trailer because that was in the early seasons of Parks and Rec when that was coming out, which was also before Zero Dark Thirty because we saw Fat Pratt at the time. So I remember him being featured pretty prominently in those trailers. And I was like, oh, the guy from Parks and rec? I know he did. You know, I didn't know he did movies. [00:12:29] Logan: Well, the thing, too is he also. That just jogged my memory, talking about fucking trails trailers for films. He's also Jason Siegel's best friend in The Five-Year Engagement. [00:12:37] Andy: Yeah. [00:12:37] Logan: Which is a Siegel-Blunt film where it's like, I believe Allison Brie is Blunt's best friend who is also in The LEGO Movie. [00:12:44] Andy: Yeah. [00:12:45] Logan: Pratt plays the chubby, silly best friend to Siegel in that film. [00:12:49] Andy: Right. [00:12:50] Logan: That's the roles you would think he would be doing at this point, like, era wise in his career. But fascinating enough. No, like, like Andy said, it's. It's. I mean, it's. In the last decade, we have had Pratt as three different icons of varying degrees. [00:13:07] Andy: Yeah. [00:13:08] Logan: And in terms of popularity, in terms of mediums. Like, again, he is. He is the face in some way, shape or form in this film of LEGO. [00:13:17] Andy: Yeah. [00:13:17] Logan: He plays fucking Mario. [00:13:20] Andy: Right. [00:13:21] Logan: And then he's. He's the comic strip king himself. Garfield. [00:13:24] Andy: Yeah. [00:13:24] Logan: Like, it's fascinating to think that, like, I don't think. I don't think there's any actor genuinely alive that you would look at them and go, they could be. They could do Mario Garfield and like a LEGO person. Like, that is such a. Clearly, that is just like, he's doing these roles because he is. He's a good actor, he's popular, he's got that synergy and willing to do it. [00:13:50] Austin: And LEGO movie was such a great fit at the time when it was announced, like 220 twelve. [00:13:54] Andy: Yeah. [00:13:54] Austin: That movie had been in development since 2008 when they announced it and they were shopping around. Warner Brothers and Village Roadshow finally picked it up in 2011 or something to start producing it. Or maybe it was 2012 and they announced Chris Pratt as the lead role, Emmett, for the film. And it was gonna work great. Cause it was just like some normal guy. This was also before he was, I think, announced to be in Guardians of the Galaxy, but he was the parks and rec guy. It was one of NBC's like, leading sitcoms. And, you know, he was the perfect fit to play just average Joe, like Joe Schmoe, who becomes special and just. [00:14:33] Andy: Kind of a bumbling goofball. [00:14:36] Austin: He got to do the Chris Pratt thing and it worked. And really at the time, when you look back at it, think about it and look at the cast, the movie was more so sold on. The rest of the supporting cast joined it, but also the IP was strong enough, which in most of the cases of these three films, the IP is really going to do the majority of the legwork. But how you get people reintroduced is going to be the cast. And I think it even like, starts to slowly get like, as we go, in order of the films, the cast is still strong, like in Garfield, but it's not as strong as The Mario movie, which isn't as strong as The LEGO Movie because it doesn't have to be. You have Chris Pratt because Chris Pratt in the league movie supported by Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Alison Brie, Will Arnett. You have this giant, like, super cast. [00:15:23] Logan: Yeah. [00:15:23] Austin: But then Mario, you know, you get to like Jack Black, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Keegan Michael Key, Fred Armisen, Seth Rogan. And then you get to Garfield, which is, you know, there's Samuel L. Jackson. That's not even really that promoted well. [00:15:40] Andy: Yeah, the press has been far more focused on Pratt. And part of that's probably because Garfield is not as strong of an IP these days as those other two, which we'll get more into later. But it is kind of interesting we're talking about this kind of because Pratt has sort of become the poster child for kind of the cynical studio approach to adapting a popular IP into an animated film. Mario and Garfield are kind of, at least on the surface, very much examples of that. The LEGO Movie, not so much. It's actually, you know, I think we'll all agree it's a great movie and Pratt actually fits the bill really well. Yeah. [00:16:27] Logan: But, yeah, it's really shocking to just, like, because I watched these out of order. I don't know how you two were in terms of. Yeah, like, because in my opinion, I watched the worst one first, which is Super Mario Brothers, which. Yeah, it's not a bad film. It's– Andy: well, it teeters. Logan: I think it's meh. [00:16:48] Andy: Yeah. [00:16:49] Logan: But I would honestly like going from that onward. Like, it is fascinating just how, like, you know, with the joke of Pratt being like, oh, I know exactly. Who could play the next Black Panther? And this is, like, around the time that the Super Mario, like, the meme of, “Pratt could be anybody!” [00:17:06] Andy: Yeah. [00:17:06] Logan: And be any ethnicity. [00:17:08] Andy: Yes. [00:17:09] Logan: Any race. Like, any. Like, it just was so. [00:17:12] Andy: Which ultimately, that was kind of the seed that sparked this idea for me. It was like the kind of the meme of, oh, Chris Pratt's gonna play anybody and everybody now. [00:17:21] Logan: Yeah. [00:17:22] Austin: It's just fascinating, The Boondocks movie coming out. It's gonna be Chris Pratt playing all the role. [00:17:28] Logan: Yeah. Like, it's. It's fascinating to think about that, especially in the span of, like, The Super Mario Movie, but then going back to LEGO movie and just being like, what really sells those films, thankfully, or at least what the priorities were in those films. It just is the actual. It's what the film itself shows before the performance in terms of, like, with LEGO movie. It's like there is a world where The LEGO Movie is still as good as it is without Pratt. [00:17:55] Andy: Yeah, absolutely. [00:17:56] Austin: And the biggest accomplishment of The LEGO Movie at the time was it was really one of the. One of, if not the first movie to be like, here's the IP that is purely just like a toy. I mean, you obviously have transformers and such. Transformers have, you know, the cartoons, G.I. Joe cartoons. It was the kind of the modern era's version of, like, this is a toy where we are making a movie, a jump to movies out of the toy. [00:18:17] Logan: Yeah. [00:18:17] Austin: And that's what the selling point is, is that you like the toy so you will like the movie. [00:18:22] Andy: Yeah. [00:18:22] Austin: And it was huge shock that, you know, it had heart behind it because they also had to try to avoid a lot of the cynicism that was going to come with that of IP being translated to now a commercial product to a commercial film. And Phil Lord and Chris Miller being behind that. They both really did a great job delivering that. But it's also because they had to. And this is probably my own cynicism, but I feel like the further you get with Mario and Garfield, the less that they had to actually try to give heart or into the film to actually make it like, look, no, it's not just cynical of we are capitalizing off the IP like we actually believe in the heart of it or whatever the mission statement is of said IP, and we're bringing it to the table. And that's why The Mario Movie for me, like, was such a big failure, is that it didn't have any of the heart because it didn't have to. It just had to coasting similar things and throw it at you, which Illumination was perfect for it. [00:19:19] Logan: Yeah, another part of that, too. And this is something like, by the point The LEGO Movie comes out. There are technically LEGO films or LEGO based products. [00:19:27] Andy: Yes. [00:19:27] Logan: But they are straight to dvd. [00:19:29] Austin: You're like Bionicle, you have Clutch Powers, LEGO Ninjago TV series. [00:19:33] Logan: And at that point it's like, hilariously enough. Yeah, it is. The LEGO Movie has to sell the idea that a LEGO movie can even work in a theater. Whereas with Super Mario brothers and Garfield, all that really has to do on a base level is proved that they're not as shitty as the previous iterations. [00:19:53] Andy: Versions. Yeah. [00:19:55] Logan: Because honestly, it's like there's been a great conversation in some way, shape or form about just like. And this is such a Patrick H. Willems like thing of just like. [00:20:04] Andy: Yeah. [00:20:04] Logan: The Super Mario Brothers Illumination film is better than the ‘90s one. But is it really more interesting? [00:20:11] Andy: Yeah, right. [00:20:11] Austin: No, yeah. [00:20:12] Logan: Like, honestly, like, even I would even argue. Even though I. We liked the Garfield, the new Garfield movie with Pratt. Like, I would even argue that that film is not even as interesting as, like, the live-action one. [00:20:23] Austin: Sure. [00:20:23] Logan: Just like, because, like, watching how they try to figure out how to make, again, make a lazy cat have an adventure when clearly Garfield would never want to do that. [00:20:33] Andy: Yeah. [00:20:35] Logan: And find the motivation from that. It is fascinating to see, like, in the original, like the original, in the Bill Murray ones, it's like someone's really fascinated by this fat cat. And also he hates Odie. [00:20:48] Andy: Yeah. [00:20:49] Logan: I mean, this new movie, it's just like, “give him a dad,” and that's like, all it really is. And it still works. [00:20:54] Andy: It could have basically been any character. [00:20:56] Logan: Yeah, because that's been the big joke too, with The Garfield Movie is it should have been a Heathcliff film. I've been seeing that all over the place. [00:21:04] Austin: Yeah. [00:21:04] Logan: But like, with The LEGO Movie, it's like, it is. I think it's genuinely bold. I think you guys would agree. The fact that, like, the lead in that is just LEGO City construction man. [00:21:13] Andy: Yeah. [00:21:14] Logan: The fact that it's just like, they didn't outright have Arnett’s Batman as the lead. They didn't have Tatum Superman. [00:21:19] Andy: Yeah. [00:21:20] Logan: Small but delightful cameo. [00:21:22] Andy: Well, and it's specifically not. I mean, being that it is just a kind of all encompassing LEGO movie. There is no iconic LEGO character. You know, there's no, like, face of LEGO, unless you're talking about, like, the IPs that LEGO has licensed. You know, like if they were making a LEGO Star Wars or LEGO Batman, which they leverage and mock in a. [00:21:44] Austin: Way that also fits what ends up being the ultimate reveal of the film. Spoilers for a ten year old film. But, you know, that has been a human child in control of it the entire time, which adds to the playfulness and adds the whole, you know, the heart of the film that, like, this is a toy at the end of the day. [00:22:01] Andy: Right. [00:22:01] Austin: You know, it also having a commentary that goes deeper into, like, the LEGO collecting community of, like, apples. Adult fans of LEGOs. [00:22:08] Andy: Yeah. [00:22:08] Austin: And how they forget. Yeah. Apple and. [00:22:13] Logan: Yeah. [00:22:13] Austin: And when you build up the whole thing, it's called a MOC–my own creation–about how they glue it together and they, like, forget that this is a toy at the end of the day. [00:22:21] Andy: Right. [00:22:22] Austin: It's not that deep. And it has this beautiful heart to it that blows up. And it uses the IP really creatively, but it also never sells. It has to sell itself on the IP. Besides the fact that it's just the toy. [00:22:33] Logan: Yeah, yeah. [00:22:34] Austin: But it still never loses sight of what the heart of the actual product is. I'm trying to say this in a way that doesn't sound like super commercial, but, like, it doesn't lose sight of, like, we are making a movie based off this toy. And the toy brand's mission statement is to be creative, to rebuild things, to like. [00:22:52] Andy: It is successful very much on the same level that people rightfully praised Barbie for last year. It's leveraging this very corporate, commercial product, focusing on the spirit of the activity of playing with this toy rather than, like, cashing in on all the, you know, all the recognizable brand items—even though those are there, that's not what it's ultimately about. And it's actually making something meaningful out of this commercial thing. [00:23:24] Logan: Also not letting the nostalgia of the things you do pull out overtake the actual narrative. [00:23:32] Andy: Right. [00:23:32] Logan: Again, the closest thing, I think, in terms of LEGO brand in the first film, that is the closest to, like, the nostalgia of just a LEGO made product is Benny. It's the eighties space. [00:23:44] Andy: Yeah. [00:23:44] Austin: And octane. [00:23:45] Logan: And Octane. [00:23:46] Austin: Because Octan was the first thing that LEGO revealed when they started the LEGO city in the eighties. And they add the minifigures later and then, like, I think it was 84 is when they brought the minifigures to life. [00:23:55] Logan: Yeah. [00:23:56] Austin: Octan was one of the gas stations and it was their fake little company with the space figures. The space figures came with introduction of the first minifigure in like 84, 85 ish. But Octane was always there in the original town, so they were so genuine with the brands and their deep cuts here. Like, here's the LEGO brands that we are presenting to you before we even introduce any IP into the film. Cause Batman doesn't come in until about like 25, 30 minutes into the film. Yeah, he's rescuing WyldStyle and Emmett. But up until then, it's completely brand new characters that they're throwing at you. And it's nothing but LEGO IP because they are using their first act to establish that this is. This is a LEGO movie. [00:24:35] Andy: Right. [00:24:36] Austin: And we are not gonna have this crutch here. We'll make fun of that stuff later. [00:24:38] Logan: Even though it's not all original, like ‘80s, ‘70s LEGO designs, it does feel like something your parents might have had in the beginning. Like, and then when wild style shows up and it's like, that is at least. That is clearly not a. And then you get to the old west stuff and it's like, oh, this is. Yeah, it's like watching that, you're like, yeah, you can't really do a LEGO movie with like, Pepperoni from, like, the LEGO Island games from the fucking PC. You basically just have to make fun of the fact that LEGO doesn't have a mascot other than the yellow head and the titular style and the fact that the film itself even makes fun of that. Whenever, when they ask all of Emmett's friends. [00:25:25] Andy: Yes. [00:25:25] Logan: Like, would he ever do this? They're like, I don't even know who this guy is. He just has a normal yellow blade. [00:25:30] Andy: Yeah, he's default. [00:25:33] Austin: What is so funny? Because, you know, I guess for listeners who don't know, as you guys do know, and as there are tons of LEGOs surrounding us here in the house. [00:25:43] Andy: Yeah, I made a critical error in introducing Austin. I forgot to mention he's a massive LEGO nerd. [00:25:49] Austin: I'm a massive LEGO collector. One of my special interests. Very special interests. But at the time when the movie was announced, I was on so many LEGO forums. There's the brick fan host by Alan Tran. There's this other one called FBTB: From Bricks to Bothans, that are more Star Wars like, LEGO focused one. But they all had LEGO news. And when the movie was announced in 2008, a lot of people, their theory was that the mascot was actually going to be the LEGO club magazine mascot named Max, who had a light blue t shirt that had a little LEGO patch on it, if I remember correctly. Dark blue, like navy blue sleeves and khaki pants. [00:26:26] Andy: Yeah. [00:26:26] Austin: Swooshy, like boy band hair. And there's a YouTube channel called paganimation from David Pagano in New York. And he did a lot of these animated shorts in the days. And he eventually got hit up to work for LEGO, doing stop motion for. He would do a lot of animated bits for. For LEGO. LEGO Club magazine with Max, it was like Adventures of Max. So people were speculating at first that when I said, like a nobody, that Max was actually going to be the main character of it and they were going to lean into, this is who our mascot is. I think to this day, he might still be the mascot for LEGO club, but for a solid, like, 10-15 years, he was the mascot to where that was the speculation at first. [00:27:09] Andy: Right. [00:27:10] Austin: But then to connect that back to Pagano. Pagano actually helped organize a contest that is seen in the end of The LEGO Movie when Lord business is watching everyone rebuild stuff, where they ran a competition to do a ten-second stop-motion clip of you, of people animating their figures, turning normal items into creatures or something different. [00:27:32] Andy: Yeah. [00:27:32] Logan: Fun. [00:27:32] Andy: Yeah. [00:27:33] Austin: And Pagano has a small thing featuring there in The LEGO Movie, Pagano also animated the end credits sequence. [00:27:39] Logan: Yes. [00:27:41] Austin: That's an actual stop motion, but he was a consultant also for the contest there. So all that to say that LEGO did almost have a mascot of sorts. So they kind of like PlayStation, where they had a mascot that, like, was pretty beloved. They didn't do anything with it when they had the chance to. [00:27:57] Logan: Yeah, I think it's. Yeah, it's all. [00:27:59] Austin: I. [00:28:00] Logan: It's fascinating, too, to think about when it comes to LEGOs. It feels almost out of the three of these properties and IPs that Pratt basically heads is the fact that LEGO is the closest thing to feeling like, well, this, of course, should be cinematic. Yeah, it seemed like around the time, as a. As a consensus generally, that, oh, “Now we understand how people can look at clay balls and turn those into, like, Chicken Run or Wallace & Gromit. Yeah, around the time that was kind of like people were getting used to that. That's what it seemed like. LEGO animations just skyrocketed to the point of like, oh, by the time that the film comes out in 2014, it's like, oh, of course. Like, I made a fucking LEGO animation in middle school. Nearly killed my parents. But, like, it was something like people just did a lot of. [00:28:50] Austin: Yeah, another really fun connection is that the magic portal that the kid throws Emma into? That's a clear reference, again, just showing how much, like, craft they put into us because they felt the need that they had to to avoid the cynicism. The magic portal is a reference to a 1980s, late-’80s short film from an Australian guy named Sidney who did this 20 minutes. It's considered the first ever brick film, like LEGO stop motion film called The Magic Portal, about a spaceship that finds a magic portal on their spaceship and. [00:29:26] Logan: They walk through it. [00:29:27] Austin: It's a blend of LEGO stop motion and actual clay stop motion and live action to all. Interesting, the fact that they combine all that. There's so many layers to what Lord and Miller did to really show how much they cared about, you know, this. This IP. But also the fact that they were trying to replicate the stop motion throughout all this too. Down to them designing everything in a program called LEGO Digital Designer that LEGO had made in the mid-2000s for download. PCs. Build your own set. You could connect it to the LEGO shop, and they would send you your set with your own instructions based on how you put the pieces together in what order with all of it. It would price it based on the part. All these things. Like, there's so many layers of love there. And then you get, like, the fucking Mario Movie, where there's, like, nothing there. And it's. They're writing on the fact that it's one Mario, it's Illumination. These are dominion people. Right now, we're also at the time Mario movie comes out. We're eight years separated from The LEGO Movie. Chris Pratt has been a successful Marvel Cinematic Universe staple. He was successful with Parks and Rec. Of course. He's done. [00:30:34] Andy: He's in Marvel. [00:30:35] Austin: Ward already come out at that point. [00:30:36] Andy: Also Jurassic World. [00:30:38] Austin: He had also succeeded with and also with Jurassic World having its LEGO IP and stuff too. He's just making tons of money. Chris Pratt has some of them. Is one of the actors that has the most LEGO figures to his name. [00:30:48] Andy: Oh, that makes sense. [00:30:50] Logan: Yeah. [00:30:50] Austin: He has Emmett, he has Owen from the Jurassic World trilogy. He has Star Lord. And I think those are main three. But does he have. [00:31:00] Andy: Did they make a LEGO set of his self-parody character from The LEGO Movie too? [00:31:06] Austin: They did Rex. [00:31:07] Logan: Yeah, he has four LEGO minifigs. [00:31:10] Austin: And I think that is the most that any person has had of like. Of like any actor. So it's funny that all started with The LEGO Movie is then what led to him getting more minifigures of himself, which is. Yeah, it's crazy. But now you're eight years separate. He has all these other IPs under his belt. He's still profiting off the leg of movie. Movie because of his like. [00:31:30] Andy: Of course. Yeah. [00:31:32] Austin: So why wouldn't you cast Chris Pratt when he was the. Within the last decade now one of the. In the prime example of IP children's movie, you know, box office success. [00:31:46] Logan: Yeah, I think a lot of it has to do as well because again, I should also address the. The LEGO in the room, the LEGO elephant in the room. Because I know some people out there gonna be like, well, you know, Logan there is the sequel to the LEGO. [00:31:57] Andy: Right. [00:31:57] Logan: Why is that a part of this? And it's like, to be completely honest, I feel like we could do if we wanted to a trilogy of like the quote unquote fall of LEGO movies in terms of. [00:32:07] Andy: Sure, with like two and the Batman and the Ninjago movie. [00:32:12] Logan: Because what's so crazy about like. And also we just do a prequel just on the second or because that performance, it is hilarious to think in the five years between LEGO movie and the second part, it goes from Pratt being the quintessential everyman that just be blend in as construction man and make him lovable. And you know, he's not yet superstardom to The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part making fun of how much of a superstar he has become since that first film. And also Jurassic World and that performance. [00:32:44] Austin: I think then having the raptors and the light. The in Rex is like counterpart. He plays like the little raptors that he controls stuff too. [00:32:51] Logan: And like they. They control the ship. I believe he's on. [00:32:54] Austin: Yeah. And like they're the pilots of it and everything. [00:32:57] Logan: And that. That could do its own little episode on because like Pratt has to do double duty in that film. And also in the second part, at least when I remember Emmett feels more like a side character from the film rather than the lead. That's more of a wild style film. [00:33:11] Andy: Yeah. It's a lot more about wild stuff. [00:33:12] Austin: Really hard because. Yeah, they don't have with Emmett. He is just kind of a doofus. Doofus is the whole thing. So they do focus more on WyldStyle. They also focus more on the sister in it. [00:33:22] Logan: Yes. But I will say, I mean, it is. It was great to kind of go back to, like, a movie after Super Mario Bros. Movie because, like, with Super Mario Bros. Movie, Pratt's performance, especially this time going through it, I can tell that there is effort. I think the first time when we saw it together. [00:33:38] Austin: Yeah. [00:33:38] Logan: There was. It was hard to kind of really discern how much, how much meat, potatoes does he put in the stew in terms of, like, when it comes to Mario? Because the big thing too. I think what makes The LEGO Movie that much better is that the LEGO company, it's not that they didn't care. It's very clearly that they're like, well, you have the guys that helped with How I Met Your Mother and Clone High. [00:34:00] Andy: Yeah. [00:34:00] Logan: Involved in this and they clearly have a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. So they have a vision that we have read and we liked and we're gonna let them do that and not be too pushy. Cut to Nintendo, who has been burned plenty of times with ideas. And when they do come to resurgence, it doesn't work. And so, like, I mean, Detective Pikachu is like the first time product, like, comes out in theaters and works. [00:34:26] Austin: Yeah. [00:34:27] Logan: Full. And so it's like, they are clearly like, let's make it pretty out. Let's make it pretty clear as this is someone who loves the Mario franchise. Mario's characteristics are vague for a reason. They are meant to be. He is jovial. He goes, wah. Who? He says, mamma mia. Because he's vaguely italian. And there's a plumber's outfit that's red and he stomps on heads like, there is Nintendo Goombas. [00:34:52] Austin: He stops on Goombas. He is Italian. [00:34:56] Logan: It is like Nintendo. Nintendo, I believe, genuinely still think it's still funny because the movie's like 30 years old at this point. But like, they were so burned by how The Super Mario Bros. Movie came out and was nothing what they wanted. [00:35:09] Andy: Yeah, yeah. [00:35:09] Logan: That they, at this point in time, after that, they're like, we have been betrayed by the film industry. We will not give it back unless it's animated. We are Shigeru Miyamoto's. A fucking ep on it. We gotta make sure we are ingrained. And it's not to the point where they're like, we're gonna make a tie in game to this movie. There's nothing to fucking tie into this. [00:35:29] Andy: Yeah. [00:35:29] Logan: It's just like, we want to make sure that, like, if there are references, it goes through us. Which is honestly, it sounds like is the case when Nintendo has given their IPs for things. Cause, like, the big thing about, like, Wreck-It Ralph was that Mario was supposed to give Ralph motivational speech. And then Nintendo shut that down because, like, every time they would. I think if I remember correctly, with Wreck-It Ralph, anytime, they even changed Bowser's design a millimeter, like just a little bit. Like just a little pixel here and there. [00:36:00] Andy: Yeah. [00:36:01] Logan: They had to get a go ahead by Nintendo. They were so worried by another property, especially an American company. [00:36:07] Logan: Really trying to touch their stuff that they want to make sure that it's absolutely crystal clear. So, of course, without surprise, they choose the kings of minions. Motion blur and easy turnaround times. [00:36:20] Andy: Yeah. [00:36:21] Logan: And also the Universal-Comcast baby, like, animated, beloved, but also ties into. [00:36:28] Austin: We have Nintendo world at Universal Studios. [00:36:31] Logan: Yes. [00:36:31] Austin: So that's. That's synergy, you know? [00:36:34] Andy: Yeah. There's. [00:36:34] Austin: If we go, they're also going to promote the world. We're going to wait, make even more money, have the experience and all this. [00:36:40] Logan: Which if we ever open up a patreon, I think one of the high tier should be pay for our Nintendo world and then we should record a Nintendo world. [00:36:48] Andy: There we go. [00:36:48] Logan: Of course, there's no way. [00:36:49] Andy: Illegally. [00:36:50] Austin: Yeah. [00:36:51] Logan: Could you imagine just like, trying to, like, go through the Universal corporation? Just like, “can we do our podcast?” [00:36:57] Andy: Right. [00:36:58] Logan: Hello. They just already hang out. But no, I. Yeah, it's just because. Yeah, I think in there is. I would honestly say with all three of these films, it is to varying degrees, but it is that feeling with all three films of, like, I can't believe that they're doing this. And it's kind. It's. It's working with an asterisk next to it where it's like, with Mario, it's working at the base line. [00:37:23] Andy: Yeah, absolute minimum. [00:37:26] Logan: I will be completely honest. This rewatch of Mario, I felt like I was the most engaged, and that's mainly because I was doing work while watching it. And I could not look. I could look down for a little bit. Usually anytime there was a needle-drop, which is way too often. And also, I don't think any of the needle-drops really work in that film? So, like, anytime a needle drop happened, I would just. [00:37:49] Austin: It's also. They don't work because you have a franchise that has some of the most iconic music of all time. [00:37:57] Logan: The only thing that really genuinely pisses me off about the Mario movie and this is, again, the fucking fans and us. It's like the fact that they have Koji Kondo, who has games that he has basically been like, I'm gonna make entire soundtracks out of one motif and I'm just gonna make that motif work all the way through. And it rips and it slaps. And Koji Kondo is credited because they basically just use the motifs. [00:38:22] Andy: Yeah, the Brian Tyler score. [00:38:24] Logan: And they just should have. They should have hired Kondo. [00:38:27] Austin: Yeah, right. [00:38:28] Logan: Him do it and. [00:38:30] Andy: Well, I mean, it's, to be honest, it's kind of the same thing with Pratt as Mario. It's like, oh, he's fine. Serviceable. Well, yeah, I'll kind of back up a little bit and go broad and then get more specific. But, like, I mean, what we're basically saying here is the thing that distinguishes or separates The LEGO Movie from these other two is kind of the same thing that separates Pratt's performance in The LEGO Movie versus the latter two, which is, you know, intent, deliberate, earnest, you know, thought. Chris Pratt is well cast in The LEGO Movie because it was a role. Not literally, but it was a role built for him. You know, it's playing to his strengths. Whereas Mario and Garfield, it's like he's just cast for his popularity. [00:39:26] Austin: Yeah, he's cast because he's gonna make the money. [00:39:28] Andy: And the, that is their ethos or their approach to the entire movie is just, “We're gonna cash in on what people will show up to see.” [00:39:40] Austin: It's very similar, again, to, like, also, if Chris Pratt's performance. Again, I can't speak to his psycho. I don't know. The guy personally can't be in his head. [00:39:46] Austin: But, like, it does really seem like The LEGO Movie. He had to give more of a shit because, like, he had Zero Dark Thirty. He had a prestige film under. Under him, but he didn't have anything. I was really making money yet he was on an NBC, like, sitcom. But, like, the transition from tv, the movie star is a really difficult one. [00:40:03] Andy: Right. [00:40:03] Austin: So he had to give it all. Now you get eight years later, he's the star of, you know, three different franchises. Well, you just give him Mario. He's like, oh, cool, that's the video game. Whatever. Everyone loves Mario. [00:40:15] Andy: Any one of, any one of his properties he's involved in could go belly up. And he's still like, well, I'm fine. [00:40:20] Austin: Yeah. [00:40:21] Logan: The casting is pretty clear in terms of, like, in The LEGO Movie. It's clearly people who are good at voice acting mixed with prestige actors that, like, will make people turn heads, but those people will not give an afforded performance. [00:40:34] Andy: Yeah, yeah. [00:40:35] Logan: With Mario Brothers, it is a lot of people being like, I'm making films for my kids energy, whether that is the same thing or not. But like is, again, like, I think Jack Black's kids are like teens at this point. [00:40:45] Andy: Right? [00:40:46] Logan: So it's like, with Pratt, it's clear. They're like, this is an IP that kids will love. Kids are part of my brand in terms of, like, you know, with Jurassic World. Yeah, let's go for it. And with The Garfield Movie, it has some of that energy too. But a lot of, like, the minor quote unquote cast members like Cecily Strong, Bowen Yang, Hannah Waddingham, like Brett Goldstein. Like, we have two fucking Ted Lasso actors. [00:41:10] Andy: Right? [00:41:10] Logan: It looks like they're in it because it's like, clearly it's because of the popularity of, you know, SNL for Cecily and Bowen and Lasso for wanting him and Goldstein. But, like, being able to have a little fun with it. [00:41:21] Andy: Yeah. [00:41:22] Logan: Because the big stars in that are Pratt, Jackson, and then Hoult as a. [00:41:26] Austin: Distant third thing, rain hole as a fourth. Cuz like, Hoult, like, yeah, such like, if anything, he's one of the people that gives. He gives way more of a performance then, like, yeah, then Pratt. Because, like, I had no idea that was Hoult until the credits where like, I don't roll like fucking Nicholas Hoult. Like, cuz he just changes his voice. [00:41:48] Logan: They do. Yeah. They pitch it a little bit here and there. It's. He. He tries his dame just to make his voice even higher for Jon’s. And it's clear that, like, at times it feels like it hurts his voice. [00:41:58] Austin: Yeah. [00:41:59] Logan: To get to that point. And there's also. Is it Harvey Guillen? [00:42:04] Andy: Oh, yeah. [00:42:06] Austin: What we do in the shadow, he was. [00:42:08] Logan: He's Pareto. Last wish. He's fucking great in the last wish. And the fact that he plays a. Not a nonverbal but a non speaking role basically commits to Odie. [00:42:19] Austin: Yeah. [00:42:19] Logan: And is so good. Like the Garfield the three of us did not expect when we were gonna go see The Garfield Movie that we are amping ourselves up to be like, oh, boy. Yeah, we're gonna see how this is gonna be in the year. [00:42:32] Andy: Yeah, “More dog shit!” [00:42:33] Logan: There's an ensemble that cares. [00:42:35] Andy: Yeah. [00:42:36] Logan: Doesn't mean it saves the film per se, but it still is like, oh, wow, these are fun performances and. [00:42:42] Austin: Yeah. [00:42:43] Logan: And when it comes to, like, the Mario movie, it's like when Anya Taylor-Joy shows up. That's cool. [00:42:51] Andy: Yeah. [00:42:51] Logan: Jack Black's the best performance, but he's. [00:42:54] Andy: But he’s also just Jack Black. Yeah. He's not really attempting anything more. [00:43:00] Logan: Little more like this. [00:43:02] Austin: Like, he's not changing. [00:43:03] Logan: It really is funny that so many people were genuinely trying to push “Peaches” as an Oscar contender when that's… literally Black's career. [00:43:10] Andy: Yeah. It's literally just the worst Tenacious D song you've ever heard. [00:43:15] Austin: Yeah. [00:43:16] Logan: And of course it got a lyrical lemonade music video, like, over, like. I mean. I mean, again, like, when it comes to Garfield and when it comes to LEGO movie, there are no performances in those films that I dislike. If anything, there's just, like, there could have been a bit more here. [00:43:33] Andy: But they say Garfield and LEGO performance in Garfield and LEGO. [00:43:37] Logan: Yeah. Well, as in Mario Brothers. I fucking hate Fred Armisen. [00:43:40] Andy: Yeah. [00:43:41] Logan: I don't think that casting for cranky Kong is good. [00:43:44] Austin: I like Charlie Day, of all people, as Luigi. Like, yeah, he's, like, trying to leave. And Pratt, even, like, in Garfield, is trying, like, when he does the Garfield bit, which. Garfield's whole bit is, like, one to break the fourth wall. When he does the break the fourth wall bit, he, like, commits to a degree where, like, it works for Garfield. But Mario, there's just never any sense of, like, I don't have to do anything other than just be like, kind of chipper. “Oh, I'm Mario. What are we doing?” “Oh, wow. I'm a stupid idiot. But I'm going to be a hero in the end.” It is Pratt's brand. [00:44:16] Andy: And then every. Every sixth line, throw a tiny bit of, like, Italian twang on it. [00:44:22] Austin: Yeah. [00:44:23] Logan: But what's even funnier, too, is, like. [00:44:24] Austin: That Brooklyn, they don't even think that. [00:44:27] Logan: That'S much of an italian twang because, like, in the very beginning of the film is when they have the Mario Brothers commercial. [00:44:33] Andy: Yeah. [00:44:33] Logan: Which is what people thought the entire film was gonna be. [00:44:35] Andy: Yep, yep. [00:44:36] Logan: And that's their version of what they think people were gonna wait for and hate. [00:44:40] Andy: Yeah. [00:44:40] Logan: I remember the first time when Pratt was announced, people were gonna be like, this motherfucker is just gonna keep going. Mamma mia. Oops. Drop us a spaghetti. Like, all the fucking time would have been more interesting. [00:44:50] Austin: It would have more interesting. [00:44:52] Logan: But I do love, I mean, it's one of those things where it's like, at least the directors and the writers were aware that, like, once the commercial ends, they're like, was that a little too much? Like, it's not even that funny of a joke, but it's like, okay, at least they're aware. They're like, pratt, they didn't get an actual, like, italian guy. Or at least if he is italian, it's not something where it's like, like you would think of, like, like an Andrew Schultz kind of situation. [00:45:15] Austin: Yeah. [00:45:16] Logan: Like, or like, there's even a Sebastian minischello– Andy: Maniscalco. Yeah. Logan: Thank you. He's a, he's the wrecking crew. [00:45:23] Andy: Yeah. [00:45:24] Logan: Reference. You would think that, like, if they were going to cast someone who's gonna really ham it up or they wanted them to ham it up in an italian way, they would feel like it would be less controversial if they got. [00:45:34] Austin: They go to the Italian family dinner. Where everyone's like, “fucking mama mia, I’m Tony Soprano! Gabagool!” And then Chris Pratt's like, “hey, I'm a plumber.” Everyone going around being like, “hey, old spicey a-meat-aballs.” And Pratt is like, “Hey, we're starting a plumbing business, mom and dad.” [00:45:51] Logan: Hey. [00:45:51] Austin: Oh, that's a great for you, son. It's like, it's, yeah, immediately, like, they go from, here's the joke of, like, yes, italian. But, like, we're not doing that to like, yeah, but everyone else who gives a shit is Charles Martinet in that scene too, who's like, of course he's. [00:46:07] Logan: Just gonna, he plays jump man. Or like, that's what they call him. Because in the beginning he goes, I think that's a great commercial. Wahoo. As he's next to a Jump Man arcade machine. [00:46:16] Andy: Yeah. [00:46:16] Logan: And then he plays, because that dinner scene, the funniest part about that dinner scene is while everyone's doing a hammy italian accent, they go, what do you think, pop, about the commercial? And they're played by Martinet. Martinet. Mario's voice just goes, I think it's stupid that you wasted all your money and pulled your brother in. Like, he just is serious. Like, really excellent. It's like, why? Why is he the only one that's not, like, eating the meatball or, like, doing the hand? [00:46:43] Andy: Right? Yeah. It's just such a strange excuse leading up to the movie was like, “oh, yeah, we can't–we're not going to bring back, you know, the original voice. We're not going to have Mario be super italian because I don't know, either that's too silly and people wouldn't buy it or it's too offensive and people would be bothered by it.” And then you go ahead and do the most kind of, like, hamfisted Italian family shit. [00:47:10] Austin: Yeah, video game, other video game movie, like Sonic. It's doing its trilogy around the same time now. Where, like, Ben Schwartz just like, he sounds like Sonic and he, you know, they at least got someone who sounds. But also like, he's, he cares. He's not the same level of stars. Chris Pratt might, but it's, you know, it's, it was such an odd choice from Nintendo, who, again, is, like, very careful about stuff. And that's where I even wonder if it does go deeper, if, like, it's a Universal thing or an Illumination thing. Like, did someone else say, like, okay, we're not gonna do this because we need to separate this, or is it a Nintendo thing? We're like, we want to separate this in case shit does hit the fan. [00:47:49] Andy: In case everybody hates it, we can say, oh, that's Chris Pratt. [00:47:52] Austin: Mario, help with the characters and oversaw, like, make sure they were respected, paper level. [00:47:58] Logan: But, like, yeah, in my head, the dramatization of how they sold it to Nintendo was basically the directors telling them what the plot was going to be, what references they were going to do in terms of, like, how much the real world stuff they're going to do. And, like, I could see, you know, the heads of, you know, Nintendo kind of like, you know, slipping in their chairs, being like, we've been told. Americans have told us they're going to do this and it's not. And then as soon as they bring up, we will have Chris Pratt. [00:48:23] Andy: Yeah, black. [00:48:24] Logan: Charlie Day. Like, at that point, that's when they probably stood up and they're like, we know those names. Yeah, people know those names. Like, it's not going to be like, again, Bob Hoskins is a perfect fucking choice for nineties. Mario LEGOs, almost not even a bad choice for Luigi, honestly. But, like, those are not heavy hitters in the same way that fucking, at this point in time, especially Jack Black is about, because that's a good thing, too, is like, I would imagine their response to the casting list, similar to how everyone else's was, where it's like, pratt, interesting. Jack Black. Ooh, that could be fun. Charlie day. Oh, that's the easiest bucket I've ever fucking seen. Of course they're gonna do that. Anya Taylor Joy. I know the name. Like, it's like, it's one of those. [00:49:07] Austin: Things where it's clear Seth Rogen is Donkey Kong, who is just, like, clearly. [00:49:12] Logan: Just doing his thing. But for a. For, like, a kids film, I could see kids just being like, oh, that's Donkey Kong. [00:49:18] Andy: Yeah. [00:49:19] Logan: Just like, is he kiss. Rogen is a good actor and is still, like, trying to, like, do his own Donkey Kong. Top of his. Yeah, it's like. [00:49:28] Austin: It is. [00:49:29] Logan: It is fascinating. Just like, how Illumination, you know, has. It's still. They're still chugging along popular, like, popularity-wise, and have, like, it makes it sound like they're not doing well, but, like, they've been making money. Like, I mean, literally, out of these three films, only one of them has hit a billion dollars. Mario movie. [00:49:48] Andy: Yeah. [00:49:48] Logan: And Illumination at this point is like, yep. We're gonna do Zelda or not. Lumina's not doing it. Sony is right. [00:49:55] Andy: I don't remember. [00:49:56] Logan: I think. [00:49:56] Austin: I think it's Sony. It's animated by I can't remember who for the life of me now, but yeah, it's. It's. No, no. Is live action. I think it's live action. It's. I basically like nation. [00:50:13] Logan: It is like they did such a home run financially for the Mario brothers that, like, at this point, they could do Despicable Me 7. And that should be. [00:50:22] Austin: It's by Wes Ball. [00:50:25] Logan: He did Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. I didn't know if it was live action, but. [00:50:27] Austin: Yep. That's right. Because I marry. Wes Ball. Yeah, but I. Yeah, it is. It is live action. [00:50:33] Logan: No, I mean, it's just like. It is. It is fascinating in terms of, like, you would think in terms of these performances that the Mario Brothers performance of the Pratt would be, like, what you would expect from his first animated feature. For most actors that are live action or trained in live action as well as theater, and not mainly in voice acting, that transition is never, always, like, 100% perfect. Weirdly enough, with The LEGO Movie, like, Pratt's performance, especially only having, like, I think, a total of four episodes of animated television under his belt. Like, I fucking. I've seen The LEGO Movie nearly ten times. [00:51:16] Andy: Yeah, yeah. [00:51:17] Logan: I remember seeing it in theaters and my sister turning to me, like, in a crowded theater going, you're laughing harder than the children. This movie's fucking funny. [00:51:27] Andy: Yeah. [00:51:27] Logan: Like the bet. I think. I still think the best joke in the film is that you were, you were colluding, you were canoodling with the foreign object. Then Emmett goes, how dare you double entendre. [00:51:39] Austin: Like, I've heard Joke is LEGO Shaq with the. Oh, no, they were ready for that. It's. It's so smart. But it's another thing where, like, to go back on what you said about Mario making a billion dollars. Like, that's another reason why, you know, break it down. Like, can theorize. Like, why would Chris Pratt ever give a shit when, like, it's Mario. It's always going to make a billion dollars. There's no universe where The Super Mario Bros. Movie, by the Minions guys, does not make a billion dollars. In Japan, in America, overseas. Like, you could. You could replace almost everyone in the cast. And no matter what, it's still a Super Mario Brothers movie. [00:52:19] Logan: Yeah. [00:52:20] Austin: And you know, it. Maybe it doesn't make as much over a billion, but there's no universe where it doesn't make a billion, especially with Universal having. Universal Studios, Nintendo world. [00:52:30] Logan: Oh, yeah. [00:52:31] Austin: And all these other. It's Mario. It's the most well known video game franchise of all time, next to like, fucking Tetris or Pong. Yeah, but like, everyone knows Mario, so it was never gonna make a billion. It was never not gonna make a billion dollars. So why would he ever have to try in this case where Garfield it is like, I think even more so if Garfield, then Mario a lot is put on his shoulders because Garfield isn't as popular with a lot of the kids because the cartoon network show ended in like 2011. That was introducing a lot of kids to Garfield. Again, you didn't have live action movies that were on in the early two thousands or the cartoons again, like the ‘80s and ‘90s. You know, no one's really reading the paper. Like physical media, the newspaper funnies anymore. That was my introduction to Garfield was. It was every Sunday I read the Sunday comics and he was there. So who do you bring in as your heavy hitter to reintroduce everyone to Garfield? It's Chris Pratt. And he. I think that causes him to give more of a shit in his performance because there is more writing on it. Because Garfield is not as strong as an IP, as LEGO or Mario at the time. Like right now when it's coming out. [00:53:40] Andy: Yes. [00:53:40] Austin: And it translates and comes out and also comes out in the filmmaking too. Because unlike the Mario movie, Garfield actually has a fucking three-act structure and a plot and actually shit about being a real movie instead of Mario, which is like nonstop every two minutes, ADHD, Rise of Skywalker-isms of like, “hey, look, you know that thing that you like? Here it is. Let's move on to the next thing. You like this thing? Yeah, you do.” [00:54:01] Austin: “Here's this flashy thing.” [00:54:02] Logan: “You like it?” [00:54:03] Austin: “Fuck you. Here's another flashy thing.” [00:54:04] Logan: “Do you like that?” [00:54:05] Austin: “Yeah, you do? Fuck you.” [00:54:06] Andy: Just a string of references. Yeah. [00:54:08] Austin: Yeah. And then it doesn't even reference the most. One of the best things it could, which is the music, which is just abundance of confusing choices. But again, no matter what, no one has to care in that movie because there's no world where the animated Mario movie from minion people doesn't make a billion bajillion gold coins. [00:54:27] Logan: Which is to the benefit of, like, the little moments in the Mario movie where it's like. They do have the references that are. Yeah. While they have the motifs that play here and little sound effects here and there, there are characters that show up in shots. There are. I mean, the toad. I think the Toadstool village. Like, when they finally get into Toadstool Kingdom. And, like, you see, like. Like the toad shop that has the music from, like, Mario Bros 3. And you have little moments like pee Wing. And like, there are little dialogue things where it's like, I don't know if this, like. Like, there's one thing where I think it's like, does this flute even work? And it's like, yeah, well, it only takes you to one place. Like, it's like, things like that where it's like, clearly they want to push further. And I would only hope for the better that, like, with the sequel, which they're going to do because, like, not only does the film end on a steel stinger of, like, let's get Yoshi into this. Let's do other shit. Maybe they could even push, like, not even like a full Dawn of the Planet of the Apes situation, but, like, can we play a little bit more in the sandbox in a creative sense? And because you're. You're right. It's like. It is. Even though there have been past video game films or big properties where it's like, this can't fail because it's big overseas. The one that comes to my head, even though it's not. It's full. It's not fully animated, but it is basically a hybrid Warcraft where it's like fantasy epic. That was basically, like— Austin: I forgot about that. Logan: Most people have. Understandably so. But, like, that was like, we have Duncan Jones big budget. It's got you know, motion capture, like Gollum and the Apes movies, and it's like, we're gonna get people involved. And you know what? Even if it doesn't do well in the states, which they would probably weren't expecting, expecting it'll do well overseas. [00:56:10] Andy: Yeah. [00:56:10] Logan: And it barely, I think barely with worldwide, made its money back because of worldwide to the point where Austin, it's. It's funny that he says you could just replace all the people in Mario two and then no one would care. The talks were that if they were going to do a Warcraft two, it was going to be a more asian based, like, korean or japanese cast, maybe korean cast to be like, well, we got to get more of the worldwide involved here because, yeah, no one's coming to see this film. Because again, like, yeah, because that first Warcraft film, it's like, you know, Toby Kebbell is great in that movie for the moments here. Like, no one's going to be there to be like, Paula Patton or Dominic Cooper. The guy from Vikings escapes me. But, like, yeah, like, that was. That was one of those things where it's like, you can see looking back at other failures in a video and just in a video game sense of like, of course, if Anya Taylor-Joy says, “yeah, I'll do this.” Just fucking give her the money. Just like, just let them do it. Like, “hey, does Keegan Michael key want to put on a funny voice for Toad?” That's cool. Yeah, that's fun. It is one of those things where it's like, that's why I think we appreciated The Garfield Movie more is because it's like, you could see that too, with that cast. But they still. They had more fun than they needed to have. Yeah, but they put a little bit more mustard on that dog. [00:57:28] Austin: Specifically, Sam Jackson and Ving Rhames, who are just having, like, being Rhames is what was a shock to me of him. Like, I don't know, like, crushing the role for what it needed to be. Just like, I mean, he's just doing his, like, his Ving Rhames thing, but he. There's intent behind what he's doing, you know? [00:57:47] Logan: So he's a phenomenal actor that's just been around for decades. And, yeah, the fact that he just pops in The Garfield Movie and basically is like, “I'm the wise elder who is gonna help you to, you know, become best friends and you'll rekindle the father son relationship you didn't have.” And it's like, seen this shit before, but, like, Rhames is doing a good job and it's silly and it's fun and Odyssey. Odie is. Was the biggest surprise from The Garfield Movie for me because I just remember in the Bill Murray hybrid films were like, they just. [00:58:19] Andy: He's just a dog. [00:58:20] Logan: Just kicks the real dog. It's just the cat. Just get the fuck out of my way. Out. Like, it's like, because he's a real dog. You can't have that basically brotherly love. They kind of have, like, in a way that sibling love that, like. Because, I mean, I think you laughed, Andy, and I think you would laugh too. But, like, when Garfield is sleepwalking. Like, he's half asleep and. Yeah, like, trying to get him to his midnight snack and mouth is just like. Like, it's. Yeah, it's really well done and, like, actually kind of cute. [Austin’s dog Agnes begins whining in the background] Oh, Austin's gonna go check on our fourth guest, sweet Agnes. Austin: Just letting on. Logan: No, you're good. You're good. Yeah. Have you been hearing some dog barks? It's just Agnes wants to be a part of the podcast, but we don't have a fourth Lavalier mic. Huh? No, I'm not cutting any of this, honestly. [00:59:14] Austin: Like, speaking of real dogs and, you know, hearing one of my two dogs starting to howl and wine is very. [00:59:21] Logan: She just wants. She on brand. She loves Chris Pratt's performance in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. [00:59:26] Austin: Specifically. She does. [00:59:28] Logan: She likes. She likes when he becomes a tanooki. [00:59:31] Austin: But, like, what you said with, like, with, like, Odie in it. Like, Odie was. They, like, the secretary of, like, it was bullying ish, but it was just like. It was degradation. Some degradation at most. Yeah. It doesn't lean into the whole, like, Garfield hates Odie, wants Odie to, like, fucking die. [00:59:49] Logan: No. When I thought of Odie in the comic, and again, this could just be my interpretation of that how it is. But it always felt like Odie was, one, a nuisance every time he showed up in the comic strip, and two, was always played off as dumber than a box of rocks. [01:00:04] Austin: Well, the OG, like, played up that Odie is, like, Garfield's actively trying to get rid of Odie, if I remember. [01:00:10] Andy: Almost. Yeah. Or maybe not. Not quite on Tom and Jerry levels. [01:00:15] Austin: There's some plot line at some point in the Garfield canon universe, I'm sure if I hit up Ryan Shank, Garfield Connoisseur, that he would, like, be able to answer us. But, like, there was, like, a storyline at some point where I think it's the movies where Liz is Odie's owner and, like, she moves in with John. And that's when Odie is introduced and Garfield's trying to get rid of Odie all time. I think it's the first live action movie. [01:00:36] Andy: I think that is the first live action movie. [01:00:38] Austin: He's trying to get rid of Odie because he's jealous. [01:00:41] Andy: Yeah. Yeah. [01:00:42] Austin: And like, that. Like, that had some animosity. It wasn't trying to, like, murder, like Tom and Jerry Odie, but, you know, the new one was kind of liking that. Like I said, could have been a Heathcliff film. [01:00:55] Logan: Yeah. I mean, it's. I just was. I think I was surprised by the amount of effort. And that sounds so cynical to say aloud. [01:01:03] Andy: I think we all were. [01:01:05] Logan: The amount of kids films we have seen as kids while going into as teenagers, becoming adults and now just adults. The amount of different versions of kids films we have seen that are basically like. Yeah, like, I would admit if the. If the Illumination Super Mario Brothers movie came out when I was five or six, I would have just gone rip shit. I would. I would have gone bananas. [01:01:29] Austin: It did. It was called Space Jam. [01:01:32] Logan: We talked about that when we talked about Space Jam. It's like the. I mean, that's why with, like, my letterbox review, it's like, listen, I can't really threat the hustle. They just. They did what other studios have done for decades and it actually worked off in their way. [01:01:45] Austin: Yeah. [01:01:45] Logan: Now if they. Now if the next Mario film is A New Legacy, then they deserve any kind of shit they get. [01:01:52] Andy: Yeah. [01:01:52] Logan: Yeah. And it is. It is interesting to see that, like, we're still, in a tiresome sense, but also a bit fascinating. It's just like how we have. We can have a LEGO movie and a Super Mario Brothers movie and a Garfield movie. Just those varying degrees of quality still today, where it's like, it doesn't feel like any films are dead today. Like, even a LEGO film, kind of. But, like, I think it's a lot of that has to do with just Warner Animation Group in general, where it's. [01:02:23] Andy: Yeah, they're not really doing anything anymore. [01:02:25] Austin: They can. There's supposed to be a. I think there was supposed to be a third LEGO movie at some point to follow up with Emmett's storyline. Still, there's supposed to be a. I'm probably wrong. I could look it up, but it was like “LEGO Life” or something like that, where it was written and start. It was supposed to be written by and starring Jason Siegel, also directed by Chris McKay. Did LEGO Batman and did Part 2. [01:02:48] Logan: And did his best film, the Tomorrow War. [01:02:51] Austin: Yes. And Renfield. [01:02:54] Andy: Oh, wow. Yeah, he was. [01:02:57] Austin: Yeah. And he was one of the lead animators in Robot Chicken, which is why they brought him out in the first LEGO movie, so he could be an animation supervisor and help with, like, getting the stop motion look, since they weren't doing real stop motion because it would have taken them far longer to then. [01:03:10] Andy: Yeah. [01:03:11] Austin: Generated. But they were supposed to do one that one of Jason Siegel, written by Jason Siegel, starring him, and they shitcanned it. Like, after, I think, five years of, like, pre production, I don't know if I ever got into actual, like, you know, production or animation. But they. I think it was because the ninjago movie underperformed so badly that they. Yeah, they put a lot of things. They had The LEGO Movie, the second part already, like, in the works that came out. It did pretty well. Did well enough that, you know, it wasn't considered a flop, but they just shit canned everything else. You know, everyone wants a LEGO Batman movie, too, because that is arguably the sleeper hit of all the ligament. [01:03:54] Logan: Yeah, because again, that's also the. So that we could spend a whole fucking podcast episode talking about is the fact that, like, with all three of these different companies, their. Their execution and their mentality surrounding the property is fascinating because. Yeah, with Warner Brothers, it is, if anything, is holding back the LEGO property in some way, shape or form, it's Warner Brothers. [01:04:14] Andy: Yeah. [01:04:15] Logan: In terms of, like, because I remember the big thing about the LEGO Batman movie being great because it basically was like three years of people going, okay, LEGO movie two is being announced. What is it gonna be about? Another year goes by, what is LEGO movie part two gonna be about? And another year goes by. Oh, guess what? Now it's called LEGO movie 2 the second part. That's great. What the fuck is this movie about? And then it's like, also “we got the LEGO Batman movie,” and it's like, LEGO Batman movie is great. But I still remember seeing LEGO Batman movie going. This movie was a nice surprise. Had a great time. When the fuck are we gonna get LEGO movie part two? And then it's like, “don't worry, guys. If you loved the LEGO Batman, get tuned in. In September, when we had the LEGO Ninjago,” and I just was like, God damn it. [01:05:00] Austin: Well, the issue of LEGO Ninjago was that so long. So LEGO Ninjago. Well, before I get into that real quick, it was called the billion brick race is what it was. It was canceled in 2019. It says potentially due to production problems. But it was Jason Siegel and Drew Pierce, and they were going to co direct it and co write it and star in it. But if I remember, it was supposed to be something of like, almost like a Rat Race, like, LEGO movie thing. [01:05:24] Andy: Okay. [01:05:24] Austin: Yeah, but the Ninjago movie, the thing about that, the reason they made it to be begin with was because it was LEGOs and still is LEGO's only successful original IP.. [01:05:38] Andy: Yeah. [01:05:39] Austin: Outside of, like, Bionicle. Bionicles not considered LEGO system. LEGO. It's considered Bionicle system. LEGO. Yeah, because there's Bionicle system. Technic system and LEGO system. Yeah, LEGO systems. The traditional interlocking the bricks with minifigures. Technic is more like, you know, mindstorms, like these little, like, robots and. [01:05:59] Andy: Yeah, it's mechanical rods and gears and axles. [01:06:03] Austin: Bionicle were the, you know, as you guys already talked about on episode last. [01:06:07] Andy: Year, Bionicle started as Technic. [01:06:09] Austin: Yeah. Started as part of Technic. And they branch off their own thing. [01:06:13] Logan: They spent so much money on All-American Rejects. [01:06:16] Austin: Yeah. And LEGOs tried, like, City has always been the core of the LEGO system and they always have, like, space, but space is technically connected to the city or they'll bring space back and stuff. They've tried different stuff with space of like LEGO Mars attack, LEGO Mars mission, LEGO Space Police, LEGO Blacktron, Mechaatron, Bricktron, Redtron, all these different ones. But Ninjago was the first one to just, like, something clicked there and they got the animated, like, really bad animation, but, like, really cute, wholesome, like, Cartoon network tv show that my youngest brother was obsessed with. [01:06:50] Logan: My brother was too. Yeah, he had ninjago toys and. Yeah, that was when I realized the LEGO divide was actually there for a different generation. [01:06:59] Austin: Right. [01:07:00] Logan: Because it's like, it's. You talk to people who are watching that show, who grew up with that show, and they're like, dude, there's like seven seasons of that fucking show. [01:07:08] Austin: One of my brother sent me a TikTok a few months ago of like, one of the twists from the shows. Like, when Zayn found out he was a robot and it was heartbreaking. I was like, “you were fucking five. What are you like, that's insane.” [01:07:20] Logan: But it's. Yeah, it was fucking wild. [01:07:22] Austin: It's their most successful original IP, and even to this day, it's still going. [01:07:27] Logan: Which makes me think that, like, the green ninjago figure showing up in LEGO movie was supposed to be a wojack moment for all the children. It really was that and, like, cuz like when he pops, I was. Cuz I my brain, I was like, oh, he speaks. And then the Ninja doesn't speak. Yeah, like it, like there's. It's funny to think that in the. [01:07:46] Austin: LEGO movies call him Green Ninja. [01:07:48] Logan: Yeah, like if you showed it all that, like just a collage of all the references or the. Are the LEGO pieces that talk. I don't think anyone would have expected Abraham Lincoln would fucking speak, right? Who plays Abe Lincoln's clone and fucking clone like, jesus Christ. [01:08:03] Austin: You get William Shakespeare. Who's Yorma? Tacoma. [01:08:06] Logan: Yeah, yeah, you're on taco. I mean, because the fucking Lonely island. [01:08:10] Austin: Song, that is the COVID Everything is awesome. [01:08:15] Logan: So much fun. [01:08:16] Austin: But go back to the reason ninjago ever gets made is because it's so successful already as Cartoon Network show, so successful as an IP on its own. But I think one of the biggest issues is that, like, theatrically to, like, wide audiences, it doesn't really play because it's also an original story. It's not connected to any of the canon or lore of the tv show. [01:08:33] Logan: No, it isn't. [01:08:34] Austin: So a lot of the fans didn't really care, but. And their lead was Dave Franco, who, no offense to him, is not a leading man necessarily. It was Dave Franco. Justin Theroux, Camille Nanjiani. [01:08:47] Logan: Camille Nanjiani. [01:08:48] Austin: Yeah. [01:08:49] Logan: Abby Jacobson. So you have, like, strong comedic. [01:08:51] Austin: We have a lot of like, b list people who are talent up and coming. They're great because, you know, you got broad city Kamele, who, you know, at that point had just done the big sick, I think. [01:09:04] Logan: Not Zach Robinson, but he was in Silicon Valley. [01:09:07] Austin: The office. [01:09:08] Logan: Yes, office. Gabe, is it? Who's. [01:09:11] Austin: Yeah, he's Gabe in the office. [01:09:13] Logan: He's in Jago. [01:09:14] Austin: They got Dave Franco coming off of Jump street movies. [01:09:17] Logan: Very funny. [01:09:18] Austin: The success, which he's great in, and Justin Theroux, who if anything, is from at the time. What was he on? The Americans. Is that right? [01:09:27] Logan: No, that's not him. [01:09:28] Austin: He was on The Americans. He was on a, there's, there was another show that he was on. [01:09:32] Logan: The Leftovers. Leftovers. [01:09:34] Austin: That's what he's on. Leftovers. It's like, you're not bringing leftovers to see fucking LEGO ninjago. [01:09:38] Logan: He does, I will say of the little, I've seen the Ninjago movie. [01:09:42] Austin: Oh, he does great. [01:09:42] Logan: As Garner just in the row as the, the lead. I still think of the line of you. “You're a terrible parent.” He's like, “how could I have been a terrible father? I was never in your life.” It's like, he says it so straight too. And, yeah, I just remember when that film was getting just a lot of press and I'm just like, maybe I'll like, again, with LEGO Batman being so good, I was like, maybe Ninjago will be like that. And then immediately the reviews are like, this is not a Batman situation. This is straight up LEGO ninjago. And there's nothing here that is gonna be against what you think that is. And it's like, okay, yeah. So when it gets to, like, LEGO movie two, the second part, at that point, it's just like, people. The. The. The hype had died to the point where Warner animation group is like, well, I guess we make Smallfoot. Like, what fuck else do they do? Like, after that, really? Where it's like. Because they do Storks in intermingled with all this. Yeah, that movie was cute. [01:10:38] Andy: Forgot about Storks. [01:10:39] Logan: Yeah. But, like, again, it's like a September release in intermixed with all the LEGO releases. [01:10:44] Andy: Right. [01:10:45] Logan: At a certain point, it almost was like, we're gonna use one our animation group to only make LEGO films. [01:10:50] Andy: Yeah. [01:10:50] Logan: And then when Ninjago doesn't work, they go, Warner Animation Group is no longer making LEGO films. And to be fair, like, if they come back with, like, The LEGO Movie 3 is a film I think genuinely could be better with age, especially if we keep to the story of the narrative of the original kid ten years past. Yeah, we wait long enough, we could have that kid in his twenties, and then there's a. Just a fucking treasure chest. Options. You could do with that if they want to. Again, it's up to Warner Brothers. And at least I think of these three companies. Again, the fact that it's like the first film in our trilogy is Warner Brothers. Seconds, Illumination, thirds. Fucking Sony. [01:11:31] Andy: Yeah. [01:11:31] Logan: And the one where it's like, the Sony one, surprisingly, was not the biggest train wreck in terms of just like, dumpster fire. [01:11:39] Austin: It could have been, but Sony's also like, they're Sony– [Agnes and Alvin begin barking] Austin [to dogs]: Hey, take it outside. [01:11:45] Logan: She's. She's just really excited outside talking about Sony now. [01:11:48] Austin: Take it out there. Take it out there. [01:11:49] Logan: Her web connects us all. Thank you. [01:11:52] Austin: Hey, sorry, guys. [01:11:56] Logan: You're good knuckleheads. I don't know. And you've been a little silent out there. I think we've been taking over too much. What's. What's peeking in your brain right now in terms of. [01:12:04] Andy: I'm just marveling at the recall on cast members of the LEGO ninjago movie. [01:12:11] Logan: I'm telling you right again, we, like. [01:12:13] Austin: Justin Theroux was always the biggest surprise to me. [01:12:16] Logan: Yeah. Right now, Andy, we've. We've had conversations on the podcast where I go, my brain is a cavalcade of just. Yeah, there is a random dusty folder in a filing cabinet. [01:12:26] Andy: And then Austin, especially with voices, literally. [01:12:29] Logan: The equivalent of that. [01:12:34] Austin: I remember, like, to. The LEGO Movie was the first. Also, like, just come a fucking LEGO episode. But, like, LEGO is the first time that the blind bag LEGO minifigures were something that wasn't just original figures too. It was the first time it was an actual, like, IP technically this time– [Agnes and Alvin begin barking] [to dogs] Hey, God damn it. Sorry. [01:12:57] Andy: You're good. [01:12:58] Austin: So The LEGO Movie was the first time that the LEGO minifigures collectible blind bags were actual IP instead of just being original, brand new minifigures that you'd never seen in the LEGO system before, never seen in your city. And then that started to continue with, like, the LEGO Batman movie to LEGO Ninjago to, then Simpsons to The LEGO Movie part two, to Disney to marvel to DC and, like, expand. So, like, there's a ripple effect there too, of like, all these different things. And part of that ripple effect, I think, is still like the IP animation because you get The Peanuts Movie a few years later as well. [01:13:37] Andy: Yeah. [01:13:37] Austin: Then you have The Garfield Movie now as well. You have, you know, Spider verse doesn't really, like, go there because Spider Man's always had some sort of animated counterpart. But you could throw it in there too, of like, IP being turned into, you know, animated feature film. And that's even has the other connection of Phil Lord, Chris Miller. [01:13:56] Andy: Yeah. [01:13:57] Austin: Who also did. It's a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs before The LEGO Movie. And that was a massive success. [01:14:02] Andy: Right. [01:14:02] Austin: So was the sequel. So they're kind of guaranteed hits there. So they're guaranteed hits to turn your IP to an animated theatrical. [01:14:10] Andy: Yeah. [01:14:11] Austin: Well, Chris Pratt is considered to be your financial guarantee that your IP turned animated film is going to be a box office success. [01:14:20] Andy: Right. [01:14:20] Austin: Does it happen with LEGO movie? It happened with Mario. I haven't seen what the box officer results were for Garfield this week. I know this weekend in general suffered for Memorial Day. [01:14:29] Logan: It's a$100 million worldwide. [01:14:31] Austin: $100 million worldwide, which I think is so far a success. Definitely more like, you know, obviously Furiosa, which is an R-rated action, like, yeah, film, but still, like, it's guaranteed successes there. So you have two different sides of the guaranteed success coin stemming from The LEGO Movie, but really kind of started. You can go back to Cloudy Chance of Meatballs. [01:14:53] Andy: Yeah. [01:14:53] Austin: Of here's this beloved children's book. [01:14:55] Logan: Phil Lord. [01:14:55] Austin: Chris Miller turned into a successful feature film through Bluesky, which was distributed by Sony at the time. And then LEGO movie now through Warner Brothers and then back to Sony for Spider man. But then now you can go to Chris Pratt. Well, to test that Universal. Chris Pratt works there for Mario. Chris Pratt also works with Sony now because they bring him in for Garfield. So it's all these different like, things. [01:15:24] Logan: Or. [01:15:24] Austin: And then you also got The Addams Family, which is like what I was telling you guys about this. There was like another ripple effect with this, The Garfield Movie. And Chris Pratt is like, yeah, the Chris Pratt trilogy of LEGO movie, Garfield and Super Mario. But the Garfield can also connect to The Garfield Movie trilogy of like the two of Bill Murray and this one. Then you got Garfield connecting to the Sunday Funnies turned into CGI animated films from. Specifically from Bluesky. No, well, cuz Adams family is from Illumination, right? [01:15:54] Logan: No, blue sky. No, it's not blue sky either. I think blue sky was defunct by that point. [01:15:59] Austin: So Sony, though. [01:16:00] Logan: I think it might be Sony. [01:16:01] Austin: Okay, so I guess connected to Sony. I'll look it up. But no matter what, it's a cg animated comic strip. Comic strip film. Because Adam's family started as New Yorker and then New Yorker, Sunday comic. Then you have the peanuts, which was Sunday comic, Garfield, Sunday comic. And like, this weird ripple effect of like, all these different weird senses of IP. And the one key thing that you can use to elevate your IP or elevate this and then the ripple effects that come to it across the film industry and how it manifests the creation of all these other things. [01:16:33] Logan: Yeah, it's a weird thing of like, when it comes to–Andy, Is there anything you want to say about Pratt before we get into another rabbit hole? [01:16:41] Andy: We're long past–I knew this would happen, and I'm not complaining. [01:16:47] Austin: The connecting thread of this all, which is also, I think, more interest. Like, the most interesting part of this is like what you said, Andy, at the beginning, that this is not what anyone, I think would ever consider to be a trilogy, which makes it an Odd Trilogy. But the ripple effect that comes from Chris Pratt being involved in The LEGO Movie. It has a massive impact. Like people want to talk about, you know, obviously, like, we all joke around, bitch and moan about like, “oh, Chris Pratt, you know, is cast in this,” but like, he does have a legitimate effect on movies in the film industry right now that can be traced back to just this one casting choice in June of 2012 when they cast, you know, the, you know, Andy Dwyer, the golden retriever boy from Parks and Recreation to be the yellow faced little LEGO block guy. Yeah, it's in The LEGO Movie. [01:17:45] Andy: Yeah, it's. Chris Pratt's presence in these movies speaks to the larger mechanics of the studio space, especially in animation.. [01:17:56] Austin: NIntendo doesn'T trust another studio to adapt any other IP. There's a real world where we don't get the live action Legend of Zelda experiment. If Chris Pratt never stars in the. [01:18:09] Logan: LEGO movie, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it's gonna even happen. Like, it's like, there's a part of me where it's like, I want something like this. All the film that. Yeah, but it is like, yeah, The LEGO Movie is such. It's a weird thing of, like, showing a precursor for what studios are kind of looking at in terms of star-studded ensembles for animated films. But at the same time, it's like, it is not a set in stone. If you do this formula, it's a hundred percent, you know, all three of these films, even with Garfield, I know Garfield is still out the moon, but I will say all three of these films are probably going to be successful. Yeah, naturally. Like, it is. Like, it's still. At the same time, there are animated films that will come out. Less than a year ago, we had Dreamworks come out with teenage Kraken, which is technically based off of a young adult novel. Like, it was, you know, pushed as, like, you know, a lower budget for them and just like, see if people really enjoyed it. And I think it made less than 20 million. So it's like, it is. And that's Dreamworks, right. That is. That was the studio that was built to be like, you know what? Fuck you, Disney. We can have Disney without Disney. And then now we're in weird spot where it's like, that is also owned by Universal. That's owned by Comcast as well. [01:19:26] Andy: Well, yeah, Dreamworks dream. [01:19:30] Austin: DreamWorks is owned by. By Universal, owned by Comcast. So. [01:19:34] Logan: So it's like, yeah, again, so it's like, in at least this weird thing where it's like if you have peacock, everyone's favorite streaming service, where you just fucking like Ruby Gillman with this and then fucking Mario is where it's like, this weird world of, like, all this mix in. It's like animation in so many different ways, even with the phenomenal films, is such a minefield. I think in production wise. [01:19:58] Austin: Yeah. [01:19:59] Logan: It's like, just to have these three films and just to have the correlation of, oh, by the way, Chris Pratt's the lead, and it doesn't tank any of these films. [01:20:07] Andy: Mm hmm. [01:20:07] Logan: And it hasn't. Again, it's not because Pratt's a bad actor. He is a good actor. I think it's the craziest thing about his career, especially at this point, is that in terms of his live action stuff, I didn't even say animation. But, like, we haven't seen him get weird. [01:20:23] Andy: Yeah. He hasn't really done anything outside of the norm. [01:20:26] Logan: Like, I think his big thing that he was pushing hard was, I think last year or two years ago, he did an Amazon series that he produced called The Kill List or something. [01:20:34] Andy: Yeah. [01:20:35] Logan: He really pushed that. That was kind of like his resurgence with Amazon trying to be his research. Amazon after The Tomorrow War wasn't what they wanted it to be. [01:20:45] Andy: Yeah. [01:20:45] Logan: And so, like, he did that. And I think even that wasn't enough because I think, weirdly enough, in between LEGO movie and Super Mario Brothers movie, Pratt's. At least on the Internet, Pratt's persona and popularity almost soured in certain aspects because of. Just definitely entirely because of insinuation, never because of anything he said. Because in all honesty, anything he's ever said publicly has usually been cryptic or very vague. [01:21:16] Austin: He's very bureaucratic on everything. [01:21:18] Andy: It's a very sanitized, you know, persona. [01:21:22] Andy: Yeah. [01:21:22] Austin: Like the divorce from Anna Faris, that, like, you know, that's all getting, like, gossip, blah, blah, blah. [01:21:29] Logan: Yeah. [01:21:29] Austin: On paper, like, just as an actor, I think really, people's biggest issues, like, what we said we haven't seen get weird. [01:21:34] Logan: No. [01:21:35] Austin: You know, we've seen it. We haven't seen try anything like, what works for him. [01:21:39] Logan: I just remember, like, what I first saw, kind of, like, the Persona, the Pratt Persona in the public, at least on this Internet, changed when Gunn was initially fired from Marvel. [01:21:51] Andy: Mm hmm. [01:21:52] Logan: When he wasn't able to do guardians, three initially. And then. And I remember, like, all the guardians cast, like, rallied up against him, like, publicly and, like, public were for him publicly. And then Pratt just says, like, “God will take us on the right path. “Something like that. [01:22:09] Andy: Right. [01:22:09] Logan: I think a lot of people went–. Andy: “Excuse me?” [01:22:13] Austin: Literally, like, sue me all you fucking want, Disney. I'm not doing your stupid fucking movie. Karen Gillings. Like, this is a horrible mistake. Chris Pratt's like, “inshallah–” No, not inshallah. Andy: “God willing.” Austin: “Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.” [01:22:29] Andy: Yeah. [01:22:30] Austin: “May Star Lord grace your screen again.” [01:22:32] Logan: Those weird things where it's just like, you think, would he have done that if Lord Miller went through a similar thing? Because, again, like, his career wouldn't have been. Because again, without gun, I think Guardian solidifies. [01:22:44] Austin: Would he have done that if he was playing Han solo and solo Star Wars Story? [01:22:48] Logan: I don't know. Like, it's one of those things where it's just like, I think when it became known that out of all of the big Chris's, Pratt seemed the quietest. Uh huh. People just latched onto that and thought like, oh, he's. There's got to be something that's hiding there. And to be honest, there's not really much there to latch on to other than just, like, poor. A lot of poor wording. I will say there are some things. [01:23:12] Andy: Yeah. [01:23:12] Logan: Like, postwise, it's very easy to just. [01:23:14] Austin: Assume that silence means, like, what you are, like, against anyway, that I am for. And I think that's what a lot of Chris Pratt's perception has come down to. The biggest thing has probably been, like, just the fact that he attends Hillsong church, which is riddled in scandal. [01:23:29] Andy: Yeah. [01:23:30] Austin: We don't have to dive into whatsoever. But, like, that's probably the most concrete, like, evidence, if you want to call it that, of, like, anything that could be towards, like, problem, ill behavior, like, problematic behavior with him, stuff because of, you know, the things that are involved with Hillsong and that can of worms. But anything beyond that has just been, like, what we said. It's very bureaucratic. It's very, like, vague. It's very. Just like, not doing anything. And I think it really just comes down to he just probably isn't interested in any of that. And it's not. Doesn't do any harm or any good. It's just kind of there. It's really very similar to, like, his actual performances itself. There's nothing that's doing any necessary. Like, it's not doing really any harm or detriment to any he's ever been. But it's also like nothing he's in is ever truly benefiting from it, really. Past The LEGO Movie, because you look at Jurassic World, he has become, like, you know, Joe Schmoe, generic, like, buff dude, like, which started the trend of, like, you know, schlubby guy who becomes ripped and gets to do a bunch of steroids on Disney's dime. But, like, Guardians is his most interesting performance in that. [01:24:38] Andy: Yeah, I think post LEGO movie, I think James Gunn is it seems to be the only person who can get an interesting performance out of Chris Pratt. [01:24:45] Logan: Because I think a lot of it also has to do, because I think a lot of what makes it also interesting with the latter two films in this trilogy is the fact that when LEGO movie comes out, I don't think Pratt is anywhere, anywhere embarrassed about his persona as where he came from. But when it comes to, like, The Tomorrow War and, like, that kill, like, right before Mario Brothers comes out, it feels like a lot of the silliness he used to bring to interviews is kind of gone. Until he does guardians three. Well, and then, like, the press is like. It's almost like, oh, where have you. Where's this guy been? [01:25:21] Andy: Yeah. [01:25:22] Logan: Like, a lot of it. [01:25:22] Austin: Like, a movie comes on 2014. Guardians comes out in 2014. Guardians is what propels him into superstardom, because, again, he started the trend of, like, he got into such incredible shape and, like, it shocked everyone that Transformers, like, yeah, has a six pack and is a superhero now. Like, this is insane. This is unheard of. We've never seen this before. So, like. And who is kind of the cause of it? It's James Gunn who was like, fuck it. I'll cast you if you, like, lose the weight or whatever. Like, but your acting was incredible. Like, sure, let's do this. [01:25:53] Logan: That's a crazy thing, too. Is. But even Gunn said if Pratt couldn't get off the weight, he would have rewritten the character for him. [01:26:00] Austin: Yeah. [01:26:00] Logan: Which is, I think, is another. I think that is probably– [01:26:03] Austin: But I think it also, like, I. Again, I definitely speaking out of my ass here, but I think it's fun to theorize that, like, maybe, like, he correlates James Gunn with a lot of his success in his career because Gunn was directly involved in the project that really propelled him into this, into the stratosphere. [01:26:19] Andy: Yeah. [01:26:20] Austin: Like, these are so, like, when he ever comes back to his role, he's going to deliver it to the one guy he owes it to, because I think Pratt is kind of similar to, like, there's, like, really good friends. John Cena talks. Yeah, John Cena talks about James Gunn and even, like, Vince McMahon. Other people, like, very similarly of, like, “these are people who got this out of me, and I owe my life to them.” [01:26:39] Austin: Like, Cena speaks that way about guns, which makes Gunn, I think, a way more interesting director to, like, kind of study now, like, hearing this from seeing it from, like, three actors, because Batista talks about it, too, of, like, the way that Gunn just transforms these people. Like, directs them, just does something in their psyche, like, with these three men specifically. [01:26:58] Andy: Yeah. He's able to get kind of never-before-seen performances out of, not necessarily ‘non-actors,’ but people not known in that particular realm of acting. Yeah. [01:27:09] Austin: And I feel like Pratt, there's got to be something that he connects. Like, he's just got to do it for James, you know, which is an actor director relationship, for sure. [01:27:19] Andy: And also Gun and Pratt both probably feel a very personal. I know they do feel a very personal kinship with the character of Star Lord, whereas any other characters Pratt has played, besides maybe Andy Dwyer, he probably wouldn't have that emotional connection to the character. [01:27:40] Logan: It's very clear that his Star Lord connection is that and a base on, like, a surface level. You would think, oh, there is an Andy Dwyer man child's nature to Star Lord. [01:27:50] Andy: Yeah. [01:27:50] Logan: And then it's when Gunn gives him that pathos of just, like, the trauma and. Yeah, being an earthling that hasn't been on earth for 30 years. [01:27:58] Andy: Right. [01:27:59] Logan: And it is clear that, like, I think a lot of what makes The LEGO Movie work, too, is the fact that Lord and Miller as directors have shown in their careers, like, especially with Cloudy. The fact that Cloud with a Chance of Meatballs has in the lead role before he got big, really, on SNL, super huge, is hater. And so you have the lead in both those films, and then you go to LEGO movie and you can see again Lord Miller being like, pratt's got something. Like, we can. We can work with him. And I think it's a way where it's like, he's the guy that'll really be the genuine. Even though LEGOs don't need fucking glue. He is the glue that'll bring this all together when we have silly shit going on and cut to movie where it's like, Andy: He’s the “Kraggle.” Logan: I think at that point, the directors are like, we just need to have someone who can keep. Just keep the foundation strong if some reason, something goes afloat. And then I think with a Garfield movie, it's probably very similar to that as well, where it's just like, we need a big star. Maybe we'll have some big first dad. Which is probably what makes the most sense, too, for The Garfield Movie is like, yeah, you have Pratt and then you have, well, let's have someone be his dad. And then it's funny to have, you know, Samuel Jackson be Chris Pratt's dad and then have, like, a genuinely decent chemistry as a strange father and son and have a fun time with that and have, you know, good moments with Pratt as Garfield. Where it's like, you could argue that there are moments in Garfield in The Garfield Movie where it's like, oh, this is not how Garfield would act. The comic strip. [01:29:29] Andy: Yeah. [01:29:29] Logan: Which is silly to say out loud, but it's like, I mean, it is what it is. Like. [01:29:33] Andy: It's a distinguished set of character traits. Yeah. [01:29:36] Logan: In a cinematic sense. When it comes to, like, you know, the emotional pull it is. I think Pratt does a good job vocally of being able to play a character who constantly doesn't want to be in a movie. [01:29:49] Austin: And I think going off of that, I gotta wonder, like, at some point, do people just start casting him in roles like this for the bit? Because, I mean, he was Mister Pringle in the Super Bowl commercial. You can't tell me that that wasn't done as like a, hey, hey, Chris Pratt, everything. [01:30:04] Andy: Yeah. [01:30:05] Austin: Like, so at some point, do they do, does someone cast him just for the bit? Not even the star power anymore of, like, knowing that the controversy will create interest and that that will end up creating dollars to some degree. [01:30:17] Andy: Okay, Here's the question– [01:30:17] Austin: Why did we go see Garfield this last week? Right, because Chris Pratt's Garfield. Like, ha ha, this is gonna be a bad ironic time. And we were luckily, like, thankfully, like, pretty surprised and, like, enjoyed ourselves, but. [01:30:31] Logan: Like, I was shocked every time. I genuinely laughed. I know. [01:30:34] Austin: I was, like, chuckling throughout the whole thing. [01:30:36] Logan: Andy, what do you got here? [01:30:38] Andy: Well, this raises the question: what is your nightmare Chris Pratt casting? Iconic character, IP, animated film adaptation. Chris Pratt gets cast, who's sending a tingle of dread down your spine? Logan: Uh… Link? Andy: He just winds up playing every Nintendo cast. Austin [quoting old Zelda cartoons]: “Well excuuuse me, Princess!” Andy: Oh, my God. That's those bits. Those bits of dialogue are so Pratt-coded. [01:31:10] Logan: In my head, that question means nightmare scenario is something that would genuinely would never happen in reality, but in this case, easy. Chris Pratt as Mickey. [01:31:23] Andy: Oooh. [01:31:24] Logan: To getting Chris Pratt to play two of the most iconic just media like properties. We're like, in the fucking nineties. They were head to head as to who popular with kids. Mario or Mickey Mouse. [01:31:36] Andy: Right. If Pratt if gets both, I would, I would. [01:31:41] Logan: I would think I was having a stroke if I. Yeah, it's just like that. Because again, if we think Nintendo is stingy with their property, Mickey, I would even say is even worse his relationship with. And to say even like the Mario has very little qualities of character. Mickey has about the same amount. [01:32:03] Andy: Sure. Maybe less. [01:32:04] Logan: Again, Mickey's had more speaking roles and speaking shows, and they even have Mickey, who's been consistent on that little tv show. But, like, that would be in a cinematic sense. If I saw Pratt's. If I saw that same black and white Pratt picture next to Mickey Mouse. [01:32:19] Andy: Yeah. [01:32:19] Logan: Mouse. Oh, my God. [01:32:23] Austin: Oh, my God. [01:32:24] Andy: I think simply by virtue of the fact that Mickey is a blanker slate, I would be more bothered—similar vein—by Chris Pratt as Bugs Bunny. Austin: OOOHHH. [01:32:36] Logan: That was my second choice. That was my second choice! I was also thinking, even though it's not gonna be. [01:32:42] Andy [Chris Pratt impression]: “Uh, what's up, doc?” [01:32:43] Logan: I was thinking Kermit, too. [01:32:46] Austin [Chris Pratt impression]: “Excuse you. It's duck season.” [01:32:51] Logan [Chris Pratt impression]: “Guys. He's right behind me, isn't he?” [01:32:55] Austin [Chris Pratt impression]: “Is it just me, or does he have a lisp?” “Yeah, it's called rascally rabbits.” [01:33:02] Logan: I am curious as to, like, from this point, because I honestly think with The Garfield Movie, and I'm gonna knock on wood when I say this, because it could also always change. But, like, I feel like by the time this movie has come out, the “Chris Pratt could be anything” meme has pretty much been dead at a certain point. Like, it's not as strong as it was. [01:33:20] Andy: Well, I mean, the 2021 meme is not gonna be as strong now because Mario and Garfield, those casting announcements came out pretty close together. Logan: Yes. [01:33:28] Austin: Yeah. [01:33:28] Andy: So that was very much, like, everybody kind of freaking out that, like, “why is he every iconic character?” [01:33:34] Logan: But, like, the best version of that I've seen was not even Chris Pratt, but it was someone being like, you know, Apple was in talks of doing a Beatles biopic film. I sent you this picture. [01:33:44] Andy: Yeah. [01:33:44] Logan: And it was like, “oh, here, I got the best. I got the best actor for this.” And it was just Tig Nataro for all four. [01:33:51] Austin: Oh, my God. [01:33:52] Logan: Her as The Beatles. Like, that was what I was like, are we finally going to evolve from Chris, Freddy, everyone, and just find funnier casting than bad? Almost. [01:34:00] Andy: Or there's the Ryan Gosling as historical Black figures. [01:34:05] Logan: Yes, there's that. I bet Gosling really loves that. [01:34:10] Andy: Ryan Gosling as Martin Luther King, Jr. [01:34:13] Austin: I go the opposite of your question. [01:34:16] Andy: A dream casting with dream cast casting. [01:34:19] Austin: But casting I would be okay with if they announced it for an IP.. [01:34:22] Logan: Uh huh. [01:34:23] Austin: Because I know this IP is never, ever going to get adapted anyways. [01:34:27] Andy: Okay. [01:34:27] Austin: My favorite comic strip of all time is Calvin and Hobbs. I love Calvin and Hobbs. I think Chris Pratt would actually do an all right job as Hobbs. [01:34:34] Andy: Yeah, he'd be good. [01:34:35] Austin: He would actually be a good Hobbs. [01:34:37] Andy: Yeah. But would Chris Pratt do a supporting role? [01:34:42] Logan: That's a big thing. That. [01:34:43] Austin: That is a great question, like tell. [01:34:47] Andy: You Pratt's last support. [01:34:49] Logan: I think if you. Yeah, actually cuz he's not really fucking kid anymore. But like if a few years ago if you announced Jacob Tremblay. [01:34:57] Austin: God, I knew you're gonna fucking say. [01:35:03] Logan: Like, of course this is. Yeah, like in my brain. Like when you brought up fucking Max for the LEGO Magazine. My joke, my joke was like, oh, Timothy Chalamet. [01:35:11] Austin: Oh my God. [01:35:12] Logan: Like it's like that, but in my. [01:35:14] Austin: Brain it's like “LEGO. We can blluuughhh.” [01:35:18] Logan: We're gonna have like that Super Mario brothers Garfield esque mentality of like who is an easy sell just by the fact that he has great films under their belt that can be like, well, this guy's got a decent track record. Yeah, like Tremblay and Pratt. Oh, that screams. [01:35:36] Austin: Yeah. Show you a picture of Max that actually screams tremblay. [01:35:39] Logan: Really? Well, that would be funny. [01:35:41] Andy: Max the LEGO mascot would be the. [01:35:44] Austin: LEGO club mascot, but very, very coded. [01:35:50] Logan: No, yeah, I think. Yeah, I thought you. I mean, how about young Mufasa? Could you imagine? [01:36:01] Andy: Oh my God. What if he's. What if he's Stitch in the Lilo and Stitch live action? [01:36:06] Logan: Who's Galifianakis gonna be? I know he was announced. [01:36:09] Andy: I don't know. [01:36:10] Logan: He could be Pleakley. I guess that makes sense. [01:36:12] Austin: Galifianakis would be a good. [01:36:13] Logan: Wouldn't be bad. It would be who be Jumba Pratt as Stitch would just be. But then again you have your same question. But it's like, would you have Pratt just not be on set at all? Like it's just voice would he Bradley Cooper it. [01:36:26] Austin: Cooper it with that Ohana means family or something like that. I think. I thought I meant pineapple on pizza. I got four arms. I got elbows. Oh, and I have four actual arms. [01:36:44] Logan: And no, we're not gonna do the original ending of Lilo and Stitch in this. [01:36:49] Austin: Good God. [01:36:50] Logan: The 2002, the edited version. [01:36:52] Austin: I'm trying. What would be like an actual casting that I would just hate with Pratt. I'm just trying like IP, like, are we supposed to, like. I want to keep it related to like animated IP? [01:37:03] Andy: Yeah, yeah. [01:37:04] Austin: Like I'm just trying to think, like, link was a fucking good one. So is Mickey and man. Because again, like racking my brain. [01:37:16] Andy: This is not a nightmare. Sorry to derail you again, but not a nightmare, but a predictable video game animated film adaptation would be Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank. [01:37:28] Logan: Yes. [01:37:31] Logan: That was the one fucking time that. [01:37:33] Austin: Someone actually, because they used the real. [01:37:38] Logan: But honestly. Yeah, in a studio sense. Yeah. [01:37:41] Austin: Yeah, that would be good. [01:37:42] Andy: It would make a lot of sense. He wouldn't be a poor fit for the role. [01:37:48] Austin: Okay, it's kind of nightmare, but also, like, I would be more open to it. Crash Bandicoot. [01:37:55] Logan: See, I was thinking, yeah, I would. [01:37:58] Austin: Be like, horrible, cuz crash needs to be silent, like, like, type guy. [01:38:02] Andy: But also, would he have too many lines? [01:38:05] Austin: Yeah, that would. [01:38:07] Andy: I mean, Chris Pratt would do the, “WHOA” [01:38:10] Austin: Yeah. [01:38:10] Andy: But would he also have too much? [01:38:15] Logan: If we're gonna keep, like, pairings that. Because, again, it was funny too, though. Like, with Super Mario Brothers movie. It's like, it's not the first time Charlie Day and Chris Pratt have played close, you know, ensemble pick together, because Benny and Emmett. And then also in, like, other sense, having the fact that in The Garfield Movie, you have fucking Nick Fury and Star Lord as father and son, just like. But I was thinking, like, in a video game sense, if Naughty Dog weren't a bunch of cowards and they wanted to bring Jak and Daxter back, Pratt as Jack, and Charlie Day as Daxter isn’t worst thing in the world. But then again, it's the question of will Jack have too many lines? The whole joke is Jack doesn't talk too much. Yeah, until the second one, when he becomes hardened. [01:39:03] Austin: Spyro would be bad. Spyro's supposed to be, like, angsty teen. [01:39:05] Logan: It depends on the version, too, because, like. [01:39:07] Andy: Yeah. [01:39:08] Austin: Elijah Wood, though, was the most notable person to voice Spyro in 2013, 2009. It was like Legend of the Dragon or something like that. [01:39:15] Andy: Like, I didn't know that was Elijah Wood. [01:39:18] Logan: Yeah, it was right before they Skylandered him. [01:39:21] Andy: Okay. [01:39:22] Austin: It was the last Spyro game for. I think they were on the PS2 or PS3 before they Skylandered him. [01:39:33] Andy: “Get Skylandered.” [01:39:32] Logan: Let me pull up my bingo card. My Odd Trilogies bingo card. I have, “Reference to Skylanders.” I didn't think we'd ever get to it, but square we did it. [01:39:47] Austin: We can reference LEGO Dimensions, which is diving even deeper back into video games with Chris Pratt voicing Emmett in The LEGO Movie, the video game for the adaptation there that also connected to the LEGO dimensions toys, the life, which is more IP schlock of them. Like, try and connect a million things. Like Disney tried to do Disney Infinity. He had Skylanders, he had LEGO Dimensions. You had all these different ways of doing toys of life and connect multiple IPs together. [dogs barking again] [01:40:16] Logan: I want to clarify, too, for the folks at home– [01:40:17] Andy: The canine commentary is off the charts. [01:40:21] Logan: It was Agnes and our fifth guest, Alvin. We're just fighting over who would be the best nightmare Pratt choice. But I wanted to bring up, because we're now 100 minutes in, this setup for the podcast has Andy in the most comfy chair in the room. [01:40:36] Andy: Yeah. [01:40:37] Logan: And Andy has been slowly slumping into that chair, sinking, because it's so comfy over there. But it's also, like, we've derailed it so many times. I can see your brain just melting. [01:40:46] Andy: We're getting more and more casual. Austin's up and walking around the room. [01:40:50] Austin: I'm looking at, like, I'm trying to look at my different, like, IP things, like my video games. All my dogs are barking. [more dogs barking] [01:41:03] Andy: This is the most unprofessional podcast we've done yet. [01:41:08] Logan: We were having a great time. [01:41:10] Austin: I was trying to look at, like, the different IP of the LEGO sets I have set out, like, yeah. Chris Pratt as LEGO Jerry Seinfeld. “Hey, what's. What's. What's the deal with. With. With LEGO bricks, guys?” [01:41:24] Logan: This is. This is what I. This is what I remember about Monkeybone. [01:41:34] Andy: We're missing some 9/11 jokes. [01:41:37] Logan: And we did talk a lot about, I think, industry stuff that I think had nothing to do with animation. [01:41:43] Austin: Yeah, probably not at all. [01:41:44] Andy: This is barely on topic. Wasn't, at some point, Chris Pratt, like, loosely rumored to be, the lead in an Indiana Jones reboot? [01:41:59] Logan: He was gonna be 5. [01:42:00] Andy: He was, okay. [01:42:01] Austin: Disney wanted him to be Indy so badly. And that's one of the reasons Harrison Ford was like, “yeah, no one is playing Indiana Jones, but fucking me.” [01:42:10] Logan: Could you imagine being popular enough that when Ford hears your name as a possible replacement, he stops being chilled out. [01:42:20] Andy: Yeah. [01:42:21] Logan: Just gets serious and goes, “no.” [01:42:23] Andy: Like, rolls up his sleeves. [01:42:25] Logan: Yeah, just think about him being, like, just on Blade Runner 2049 interview stuff. He is that as soon as he hears Pratt as a possible castomg, he’s like, “no,” his ears perk up like a dog. [01:42:39] Andy: “I’m not fucking dead yet.” [01:42:41] Logan: “At least 15 stunt doubles, and we're gonna do it with me.” Oh, my God. And that just says a lot. The power of Pratt. [01:42:50] Andy: Yeah. God. Powerful stuff. [01:42:51] Logan: In a silly sense, like, ever really going to be a possibly, like, if Disney actually talked to him about it. Like, it just. Just the thought of it was enough to make veteran actor go. “Go fuck yourself.” [01:43:05] Andy: How about how far out do you think we are from Pratt? Like, trying for a reinvention or doing something that challenging? [01:43:15] Logan: Like, I would. [01:43:16] Andy: Do you think he's gonna go there? [01:43:17] Logan: The closest I think it would be. Would be Star Lord's return, because they hint in the MCU that of the Guardians, he’s the one who would come back. [01:43:24] Austin: Yeah, but of them, they're dialing back. [01:43:27] Andy: That wouldn't be unexpected or challenging to his norm.. [01:43:30] Logan: No, but that's what I'm. It's like, in terms of, like, if they really wanted to do something short term, they wanted to check. Like, that would be the closest thing, I figured, where it's like, you can. Yeah, it's like, what the fuck you would do with Star Lord? I don't know, in the MCU right now, because. Yeah, they're lowering their input. They're short. They're shortening stuff and just, like, trying to figure out a lot of things at the moment. So, like, if they could find a way to bring back Star Lord in a way that feels unique and also almost feels like if you see this Star Lord, it's almost like you don't have to see the films. [01:44:04] Andy: Yeah. [01:44:04] Logan: That would be, like, the earliest of, like, that is an interesting thing to do with Pratt. But even then, like, I don't necessarily really. Again, with Pratt's filmography and career, I. There really isn't any kind of showing of what’s coming. [01:44:17] Andy: Yeah. There's not, like, a decline. [01:44:18] Austin: Wouldn’t be until he’s in his forties to where he even would consider doing, like, some sort of prestige role or Oscar bait role. [01:44:25] Andy: Yeah. [01:44:26] Austin: But even then, it's like. [01:44:27] Andy: Or even just something. Not even prestige, even just something like, irreverent, like, you know. [01:44:33] Austin: Yeah. [01:44:33] Andy: Foul or crude or sideways. [01:44:36] Austin: It's not even close. [01:44:37] Andy: I mean, villain. Yeah. [01:44:38] Austin: Closest he got to villain role was Passengers. [01:44:41] Andy: Yeah. [01:44:42] Austin: Years ago. And that wasn't. It wasn't really a critical or commercial success, but it was like but it was also early stages of, like, new Pratt, so. [01:44:52] Logan: But also that film was edited to shit and really made a bad decision. Basically showing all of its cards in the first 30 minutes. [01:45:00] Austin: Oh, yeah. [01:45:00] Logan: And then basically making the rest of the film being like, this is uncomfortable. “Why is it film twisting at the end?” Again, Pratt's performance in Passengers, I actually remember liking, like. Yeah. I think the desperation that he brings in that role. I mean, because, like. Yeah, that there's also, like, he plays a scoundrel type in The Magnificent Seven. Fuqua's remake. Yeah, that's. It's not. [01:45:24] Andy: But it's kind of just Star lord. [01:45:25] Logan: Yeah. [01:45:26] Andy: Like, yeah. [01:45:26] Logan: Like, it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, I think in all honesty, it's like, whatever. And it doesn't have to be a villain, but honestly, an antagonistic role is where I would be curious to. [01:45:35] Andy: Yeah. Or just a, like, not inherently redeemable character. [01:45:41] Logan: Does he have a Black Adam in him? Like, genuinely, like, a thing where it's like, it should be a villain, but he can't even let himself be–is there even that in here? [01:45:50] Austin: Or does he have, like a. You look at his Guardians co-star, Dave Bautista, who, like. Yeah, he good chunk of his filmography arenot good movies, but, like, he's willing to just try stuff out. I think one of his, like, weirdest swings that, like, actually, honestly carried the film for me was Knock at the Cabin with when Batista did that. Like, he's the best part of that whole film. [01:46:15] Logan: Is he? [01:46:16] Austin: Yeah, he's, like, playing. He's playing a really weird character, but he's committing to it and trying. And it's not your typical Batista role at all. Yeah, it works so well. And, like, if Pratt even just tried something like that again, which again, like, what we talked about when we started this, you know, like an hour, hour ago, was that it's like he's so, he has such a manufactured and such a very, very careful public persona and perception that he's worked for. And that's why he gets in these positions to be Garfield, to be Mario nowadays. So, like, if he takes the weird swing, is he going to be able to come back and do the kids movies? Because, like, John Cena can do that. But that's also because John Cena was the guy. He's the Make a Wish guy. [01:47:01] Andy: Yeah. [01:47:02] Austin: WWE first, no matter what. So you can do something raunchy like Peacemaker or, you know, like Cock Blockers and stuff. Dave Bautista, you know, he's the big intimidating action star. And his swing down to the kids and stuff was, was guardians. But he's also kind of doing more prestigious roles like, you know, in Dune and 2049 and such. Pratt is very safe in the, like, “I'm the Coca Cola of actors right now.” I am always the safe choice. I'm the Diet Coke. Like, you don't have to try adding cherry syrup. You don't have to, like, be okay, do the. “Like, is Pepsi okay?” You don't have to try Dr. Pepper. You don't have to do root beer. I am the solid cola that you remember when you were a kid and you're happy with that and you're always going to be fine with it. [01:47:48] Logan: Yeah. I think it's confidence Pratt has. It's that because it's like with Batista and Cena, they both, I mean, Batista was talking about doing dune part two when like, villeneuve basically told him during Blade Runner, “hey, you are a good actor.” Yeah, work with that. I trust you. Batista talks about that like, his father finally gave him a head on the pat. Yeah, Cena talks about like that when it comes to Suicide Squad and Peacemaker, when it comes to gun. And like, pratt just has that confidence of like, “yeah, I know, I'm good. For sure. Come see me.” Yeah. And it's like, and like you said earlier and like 18 hours ago, Andy, like, he is in his The Rock phase. It's very much like he hasn't done a Black Adam or a Skyscraper where it's really come back to blow. [01:48:37] Andy: Like, yeah, he hasn't had the string of kind of cultural failures that Dwayne Johnson has had over the last couple of years that led all those. [01:48:46] Austin: Performances have been in guaranteed commercial successes to a degree. Like jurassic world is probably the worst of them. [01:48:53] Andy: Although I will say most of the stuff that Dwayne Johnson has done that has stopped working were in things that were on paper. Sure. Successes. [01:49:03] Austin: Yeah. [01:49:05] Andy: You know, Black Adam had everything going for it. [01:49:08] Logan: Absolutely. [01:49:08] Andy: And still sucked. [01:49:10] Logan: He broke his mansion gate just to get to set! How could you not sell a film? [01:49:16] Andy: So I'm imagining Pratt–something like that will have to happen to Pratt in order for him to kind of consider, like, “well, maybe I'll expand or do something different.” [01:49:26] Austin: Well, some “Inside Baseball.” Like, you know, a friend of mine, Jacob Buchanan, who works down in Atlanta, he was, you know, worked in the production office for Guardians Vol. 3. According to him, Pratt’s, also, like a genuinely good guy. [01:49:38] Andy: I'm like, yeah, yeah. [01:49:41] Austin: Like, this is just who he is. So maybe, maybe, maybe when all said, like, he just doesn't feel like he has to do anything else or he just doesn't want to and he is just comfortable, kind of like, this is where I'm at and like, I got luckier than I probably ever could have or should have it. Maybe his perspective and he's just like comfortable doing that and like living his life. Who knows? [01:50:01] Logan: They're gonna many layers to what I'm about to say in terms of just like, because he is married to this actor's daughter, like I think there is a part of Pratt who looks at his father-in-law, it is trying to curate his filmography in a certain way, like Schwarzenegger, because Schwarzenegger was pretty much like, the man knew what he wanted to a certain extent. So that begs the question, I think, similar to what you're bringing up in terms on the flip side of, like, yeah, what's the most interesting thing he could be doing on the flip side? What would be Pratt's Last Action Hero? What would be the one thing that he does that he thinks is gonna be the biggest hit in the world and then just ultimately caves in in a cinematic sense? And I think that'll be interesting to watch because with most action stars, because he kind of technically is in some way, shape or form, he just. He sees himself as that. I think he's gonna push himself as that. Like, what would be the project where he amplifies himself? And then it just, to me, it would be like, an easy answer to that is if Paramount asked him to be in G.I. Joe. Like, I feel like if you did a GI Joe film with Chris Pratt, I feel like you could be like, the studio execs are like, “Buckets.” But then you look at the GI Joe, especially, you look at how Transformers is going right now. Like, it's like they want to do a Transformers x GI Joe crossover. [01:51:24] Logan: And so it's like, I could see that being a realistic, like, Pratt is Joe in a sense, and then you build the cast around it and, like. And then ultimately, it just kind of, like, it's not enough, because it's like, I mean, I would never want him to really jump on a sinking ship like that, because I. Again, as someone who thinks Transformers has a lot, lot of potential, and yet all they're doing right now is an animated film that is based off of, like, the Fall of Cybertron, but in a funny way. It is fascinating to think of, like, you know, if Pratt, in a certain extent, if he truly has the confidence and almost has the feeling that he wants to do less like The Rock, but more like a Schwarzenegger kind of, you know, situation. What? Yeah. Like, I honest to think, like, in terms of his career, what would really. It would have to be, like, a surefire quote, unquote big budget film that just, for some reason, just tanks. [01:52:22] Andy: But it's hard to, like, I don't know what that would be because, like, I don't know that– [01:52:28] Austin: That would have been The Tomorrow War, like, on Amazon, where– [01:52:33] Andy: Yeah, I mean, that was a flop. [01:52:35] Austin: Kind of like, it was. It was supposed to be Prime’s, like, big, like one of their biggest swings into features. [01:52:42] Andy: Yeah. [01:52:42] Austin: For streaming only. And really, like, I. And maybe I just don't know that much about Primord, but I can't really think of anything that I've even seen, just, like, in ads or anything that is prime trying to pro, like, films. They promote their tv more than anything. [01:52:57] Andy: Yeah. [01:52:58] Austin: I think I could trace it back probably to the tomorrow war with it, like, just no one being interested. [01:53:04] Andy: The safety net of that, though, is that it is streaming, and you can just dismiss it out of hand. Anything that fails on streaming doesn't really matter. [01:53:13] Austin: So it's Amazon, which, like, Amazon's always got money, cash, no matter what. There's more of a risk when it's like something like Disney. [01:53:21] Logan: Yeah. [01:53:21] Austin: Or Sony, you know, Pictures, Animation. [01:53:24] Andy: There was nothing riding on The Tomorrow War. [01:53:26] Logan: No. Yeah, yeah. I honestly, I thought, I swear, The Tomorrow War was initially going to. They wanted a theatrical release. [01:53:33] Andy: Yeah. [01:53:33] Logan: And then Amazon was like, we'll pay for it because this is pretty much could just be a coda to our fucking Rebel Moon. Streaming. What the fuck is this even about? Like, in terms of the filmmaking situation? [01:53:44] Andy: Yeah. [01:53:45] Logan: The last Amazon film I saw them really push was Roadhouse a few months back. [01:53:51] Austin: Yeah. [01:53:51] Logan: Mainly because of McGregor, mainly because of the silliness of it. But also what was fascinating about that film was that in streaming, like, the reason why Roadhouse is streaming only is because they gave Douglas and Gyllenhaal two options. They get $60 million for a theatrical release, or $80 million streaming-only. [01:54:12] Austin: Yeah. [01:54:12] Logan: And so I feel like at a certain point with Tomorrow War, I think it is a vision of, like, they wanted just. They wanted Pratt. [01:54:19] Austin: Yeah. [01:54:19] Logan: Everything around that. Like, they will do their best to kind of do this and that, but, like, they are not. [01:54:26] Austin: It is. [01:54:26] Logan: It was all about the Persona and being like, “We now have Pratt.” [01:54:31] Andy: Yeah, yeah. [01:54:32] Logan: And I think it's very similar to how, like, there was the Michael B. Jordan Tom Clancy film. [01:54:37] Andy: Yeah. [01:54:37] Logan: Without Remorse, where it's like, oh, yeah, that film came in. [01:54:40] Andy: I almost said 21 Bridges. [01:54:42] Logan: I wanted that to be such a big hit. But, like, they clearly did that, I think, in a way, of just, like, we have. We can bring Michael B. Jordan in. Yeah. It's weirdly, almost like an old studio system situation in a streaming sense, where it's like, now we have Pratt in our Prime pocket. [01:54:57] Austin: Yeah. [01:54:59] Logan: Now the question is, does Prime want to produce this Prime Original? God, I meant Pratt. Does Pratt want to produce a Prime Original? [01:55:07] Andy: Prattimus Prime. [01:55:08] Logan: Does Prattimus Prime want to produce a Prime Original? And if so, like. Yeah. Really? That was a fun tongue twister. Is he willing to really go all in on streaming only 100 plus million Austin: A Premium Pratt Prime Production. [01:55:25] Logan: And it's like, is it. Because that's. Is he willing to do The Tomorrow War? But it's entirely his own thing. [01:55:31] Andy: Yeah. [01:55:32] Logan: Because again, you could also argue with, like, Tomorrow War. It's like, it was, unfortunately, it was like Chris McKay's big live action, like, in introduction. And unfortunately, it's. It's. It's a mess of a film. [01:55:45] Andy: Yeah. [01:55:46] Austin: Yeah. [01:55:46] Logan: And the ending is fucking bonkers. But it is, it is something that is like, as a. As an eye, as a. As a persona, as an actor, as a person. It is. It is. Going through these three films even a while on the surface, it doesn't seem like there's much to Pratt. It is fascinating to think of in the span of a decade, we have this man going from, you know, no man construction man who ultimately is the heart of the film. Basically. This man is just fucking Garfield and he's doing pretty well at it. [01:56:20] Austin: Yeah. [01:56:21] Logan: And it's just like he would gotten. [01:56:22] Andy: And that he's selling franchises. Single handedly. Pretty much. [01:56:28] Logan: And it's like, at this point, I mean, Sony hasn't even announced, like, “We're doing a Garfield trilogy.” And at least with The Super Mario Bros. Movie doing well, like, we know we're getting a “2,” and I think they want to do a Donkey Kong film. [01:56:41] Logan: But, like, they're not tying down Pratt for six films. [01:56:45] Andy: Right. [01:56:46] Logan: So we'll see, in terms of, like, in an animation sense, that is the most interesting part about Pratt because I don't really know where else it could go other than just sequels. For right now. And so, yeah. Like, it would be kind of cool to be like– [01:57:00] Andy: Or if he goes more, like, Kill List-brand stuff. [01:57:03] Logan: Yeah. [01:57:03] Andy: Just kind of like generic war stuff. [01:57:06] Austin: Sequels and more generic war stuff just means he doesn't have to be challenged anymore. He's comfortable doing it. And again, it's just back to – it's just guaranteed money for him at this point, which I, I can't knock him because I'd love to be in that position, honestly. [01:57:19] Logan: But we are also just insinuating because maybe he was challenged by Mario. It doesn't show on screen, but, like, genuinely, if it comes with, like, Mario and Garfield, if he felt like the challenge. “I guess I can't be Martinet and I can't be Lorenzo music or Bill Murray.” [01:57:34] Andy: Yeah. [01:57:34] Austin: Yeah. [01:57:35] Andy: I guess when I say “challenging,” I mean challenging to audiences, not to Chris Pratt. [01:57:39] Logan: Well, nothing to challenge the audience. Give them what they want. Eat the slop. [01:57:44] Austin: It was a challenge to watch super Mario brothers, I'll tell you that. [01:57:47] Logan: There it is. You know what, Andy? I think it's. [01:57:50] Andy: I think it's time. [01:57:51] Logan: I think it's time that that was our. Is that the. What did you call it again? The Chris Pratt Animated Dynasty? [01:57:56] Andy: Chris Pratt's Animated IP Dynasty. Yeah. [01:58:01] Austin: What a mouthful. [01:58:02] Andy: Yeah. [01:58:02] Logan: Well, it's gonna be. It's gonna be eye catchy when people see the title, but, yeah, now we're gonna go from a genuinely, truly Odd Trilogy with this one to a more, you know, standard Odd Trilogy that we think, you know, is really, really fun in terms of, like, a recent release that isn't Garfield movie. It is a film. We are in honor of Jeff Nichols’ The Bikeriders actually getting a release date. [01:58:29] Andy: Yeah. [01:58:29] Logan: Finally pushed back, like, half a year due to distribution stuff and whatnot. We are excited that our next episode comes out June 1, because we always record live. On June 15, we will be doing the Nichols-Shannon trilogy, which is basically the three films that writer director Jeff Nichols has. Actor Michael Shannon as the lead actor. Michael Shannon, most people would probably know from. As General Zod from man of steel. He's also in Premium Rush, one of Austin's favorite films, knives out. Knives out. He's phenomenal. Knives Out. He's also in the. [01:59:07] Andy: He's kind of. Yeah, he's kind of generally more of like a character actor, but [01:59:16] Logan: That's very good. Yeah, he's very much. He's played a lot of bad guys in his career. [01:59:21] Andy: Yeah. [01:59:21] Logan: And Jeff Nichols has been the one director recently that has really used him outside of what you would think a Michael Shannon role would be. And those three films spanning, I believe, 2011 is when Shotgun Stories comes out. So it's Shotgun Stories, Take Shelter, and then Midnight Special. All three films where Shannon is the lead. All vastly different films. I've only seen midnight special all the way through, but I know just from the synopsis of the other two, they. [01:59:48] Andy: Are not anything like that, but great. [01:59:51] Logan: Actors all around in there. We're excited to, like, really talk about Nichols, who is a. Who is basically in a dynasty of his own in terms of, like, his father being Mike Nichols. [02:00:01] Andy: Yeah. Right. [02:00:02] Logan: Was known for many films, including The Graduate, The Birdcage. [02:00:07] Andy: Yeah. [02:00:07] Logan: Decades and decades of filmmaking. And so with Jeff Nichols, it'll be interesting to talk about how he kind of inserts himself as his own, you know, individual, as a director, as well as talk about how he challenges Shannon as an actor, because we both. I mean, all three of us, really enjoy Michael Shannon. Would you say he's in. He's in the pocket for you? And because we talk about in the pocket filled with, like, pictures you love. It's like Frank Grillo. We have Mark Ruffalo. [02:00:34] Andy: Oh. Like, just kind of old reliables. [02:00:36] Logan: Yeah. We open. Like, it's like, you know, you see, like, in a film, when someone opens up, like. Or sees a picture frame on a nightstand, and they smile. [02:00:43] Austin: Like. [02:00:43] Logan: It's like actors and actresses. They were like, if we see this person in a film, good for them. Like, I like that they're there. [02:00:49] Andy: I'm glad you're here. It makes me feel good that you're here. [02:00:51] Logan: Yeah. Like, I think Michael Shannon could be. I think he's in there for you. [02:00:55] Andy: One of those. [02:00:56] Logan: Because it's just like. He's just a lot of fun and. [02:00:59] Andy: Yeah. [02:00:59] Logan: Especially when he's able to just let loose in less of an antagonistic way. [02:01:04] Andy: Yeah, well, he's. He's one of those workmanlike actors who I always appreciate who. It's like they take what they do extremely seriously without taking themselves seriously. Yes. Very much like, kind of like an Adam Driver. That sort of thing. [02:01:20] Logan: Bring them up. Because Adam Driver’s in Midnight Special. [02:01:22] Andy: Yep! Yeah. [02:01:23] Logan: Because Midnight Special has a. A wild cast. Truly a cast full of people that I would say are. I'm in the pocket for. [02:01:30] Andy: There you go. [02:01:31] Austin: Yeah. [02:01:31] Logan: And because I even think take shelter has Bryce Dallas Howard. [02:01:35] Andy: Oh. [02:01:36] Logan: Or maybe it's Jessica Chastain. [02:01:37] Andy: You might be right. Okay. Common misconception. [02:01:41] Logan: No, that was entirely different. Career trajectory. It's like a right in between. But, yeah. Tune in on June 15. Can we discuss the Nichols-Shannon trilogy? [02:01:56] Andy: Well, and thank you once again, Austin Webster, for joining us. [02:01:59] Austin: Oh, yeah. Thank you guys for having me on. [02:02:01] Logan: Absolutely. We're finally glad to have talked about. [02:02:03] Austin: My favorite character actor, old reliable, Chris Pratt. [02:02:06] Logan: Yeah. Finally got you on an episode that will release. [02:02:10] Austin: Yeah, we'll see. [02:02:12] Andy: Fingers crossed. [02:02:12] Logan: Jesus Christ, Austin. I don't want another Monkeybone situation. [02:02:17] Austin: This is gonna be like,iIt's going to be like the 9/11 podcast. [02:02:22] Andy: So tune in on June–there we go. [02:02:24] Logan: When we discuss the Nichols-Shannon trilogy. And as always, I'm Logan Sowash. [02:02:28] Andy: And I'm Andy Carr. [02:02:29] Logan: Thank you so much for listening. Bye.

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